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The Exodus of God’s people is a living allegory of the entire gospel message. The Israelites’ walk through the wilderness to the Promised Land is a shadow of our own walk through the gospel — from being lost, to being saved, to entering paradise.  And the cool part is it is lived out by millions of people who have no idea they are telling a story … the story of God’s redemptive plan for mankind.

This is a fascinating walk through amazing spiritual truths imbedded in the history of the Exodus.  If you love seeing God’s creativity, wisdom and love on display, this will be a fun podcast for you.

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[00:00:19] Well, hi, everyone. This is Penny Thomas again and welcoming you back to this next session of Get Sellers Calling You with Beatty Carmichael.   As you all know, Beatty is the CEO of MasterGrabber, the creator of Agent Dominator. He’s one of the top marketing expert in the real estate field. Beatty, I’m super excited. What do you have for us today?

[00:00:41] Well, we’re going to do a little bit of radical faith call today and a little bit different. So just as a reminder, especially for those who are new to the get sellers calling you podcast, radical faith is where we take a radical shift away from marketing for real estate and talk about living your life as a Christian. So long. If that does not appeal to you, then you can just go on and delete this episode and move on to the next one. So today I want to take a little bit different shift in the past. Penny, we’ve kind of been talking a lot about application. How do you apply different things of faith? How do you step out by faith? And what does that really mean? Today I wanted to kind of a history lesson and one of what? Yeah. So it should be a lot of fun. We’re going to go through basically the exodus in a very brief format. But I want to show you the intentionality of the Lord and everything he does. And I want to start with the premise that the Lord is telling a story, a story of the kingdom of God is at hand, a story of man’s salvation. The story of man’s fall and full restoration by Christ. And as we read through the Bible, it’s really interesting because it’s all written by the same author, which is the Lord himself. OK. He has multiple people that he writes it through, but it’s all written by the same author. And so if you think about this. Have you ever read a book, Penny, where it introduces a few characters in the first part of the book and then throughout the book, those same characters are now doing things throughout the book.

[00:02:34] So like it might introduce Bill and Sue. And when you get halfway in the book and all the way to the end of the book, Bill and Sue or there’s still the same people as that was introduced at the beginning. Does that make sense? Yeah. OK. So the characters are the same. Well, you can read the Bible and pretty much the same way the characters in the Bible are. We have trees. Tree of life. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We have man, we have a fall. We have a serpent. OK. We have all kinds of things that whenever we start to see these same characters resurface later, we can go back to how they were introduced and understand who the character is. So what happens? I think a lot of times as we read the Bible, we read like, you know, the sower goes out and spread seed, OK, and it lands on four different types of soil. Well, we read that and we read it disjointed leap from faith. It’s like a grain of mustard seed. OK. And we read that different from your seed. Will Bruce his hill, but her seed will crush your head. But yet it’s the same character. The character of a seed. And we start to understand the character that the Lord is introducing in his book. Then we start to understand more of what he’s actually telling us and what things mean. There’s this kind of making some sense.

[00:04:13] Wow.

[00:04:15] Yeah. And then the other thing that happens is when he introduces the heavens, he says that he places in fact, let’s just do this. And this was not part of my original intent. But let’s go to Genesis 1 real quick.

[00:04:31] I want to show you one other thing on this. Let me just pull this up. We’ll go to Genesis 1.

[00:04:42] And. And so everything is done within intention. Let me see if I can find this. Yeah. So Genesis 1 14. Let me just read it for us. It says and God said, let there be light in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. OK. That’s pretty cool. But then what does he put those lights there for? And let them be for signs and seasons and days and years. In other words, the first thing those lights are for our first signs. What do those signs actually mean? Well, anytime now we see anything talking about a star or the heavens. Then we know that the character is it’s going to be for signs or seasons primarily. OK. Or for days. In years. And so when the majaw, for example, they follow a star, that’s a sign of the Lord. When the heavens go dark, that’s the sign. OK. So all these characters kind of play a part. The other thing we find in God’s word is everything continues to tell a story far beyond the surface. There’s all kinds of truths interwoven. And that’s what I want to do on today’s calls. I want to walk us through the exodus and show you an amazing pattern that comes out. In fact, let me let me ask this. I want to ask about salvation for a moment. Let me see if this makes sense. Man is in bondage to sin. Then the Lord comes. The Lord Jesus comes and frees that man from the bondage of sin for salvation. Then that man. And that you use man generically. That man then goes through baptism. OK. And then he goes through a period, what some people call sanctification, which is starting to become to learn more, a truer knowledge of who Jesus is. Start to experience Jesus more personally. Start to conform more into the image of Christ. And then ultimately we make it to heaven. And in heaven there are many rooms already prepared for us. It’s a place of complete rest. Can place have complete abundance? Does that make sense?

[00:07:20] Or.

[00:07:22] Well, that’s Exodus for you. Man was in bondage in slavery, a foreshadow of Jesus comes and the man of Moses and freeze them. They go through the Red Sea, which is baptism. They then go through the wilderness where Jesus is introducing himself as a river of life. The rock, the bread from heaven, your entire provider and sustainer. And then they make it into the promised land, where there are many rooms, many mansions. Everything’s already been pre-prepared and provided, and it’s a time and a place of rest. It is the gospel story, in fact, it’s actually the same gospel story. If we go back to Genesis 1 through 3, God created the heavens, the earth he created in a place called Eden, which is a beautiful garden. Everything’s provided. He gives it to man Adam, man comes in, man sends, man falls out of the garden, gets booted out. He now goes through dry places, lots of work and toil. Learning more about God. Then Jesus comes in the form of God and restores that which was lost. We see that same pattern again. In other words, as we read the Bible, we keep seeing the story unfolded in multiple ways. But all going back to a common theme in that call. So what I want to do and I want to try to do this quickly enough to cover all 13 different things, there is probably more but 13 that come out going through Exodus and just show you the parallels of Exodus to.

[00:09:10] US. OK. Ex-Aide does to us and GS us, they all end with with us. I’m not sure there’s any significance to that. It’s just coincidental. Maybe. All right. So storyland storyline. OK. So no one man is in bondage in slavery? Well, that’s where Israel finds himself in Egypt and that’s where we find ourselves before Christ. OK. And I think Romans 6 talks about this. He says no longer being slave to sin. When you were slaves as sin, you have been set free from sin. All these imagery of slavery, which is what happened to the Israelites. But then we start to get kind of cool stuff. The second thing with Exodus is God sends a deliverer. And that deliverer is going to rescue man from his slavery. And that delivers. Name is the remember. Yeah. Moses and Moses is actually a shadow of Christ or maybe a foreshadow. How are you may describe it. And what he’s going to do is he’s going to bring the people out of the land of slavery. And he’s a shadow Christ because think about this. Okay. And this is also going to tie into a number three item, which the trinity is revealed. But we’ll talk about Moses first. So Moses D, member of When Moses Goes Up on the mountain, receives the Ten Commandments and he comes down and something happened to his face. Do you remember what happened?

[00:10:57] He was transfigured.

[00:10:58] Yeah. He was transfigured. Who else in the Bible? Do you recall being transfigured?

[00:11:04] We were.

[00:11:05] And where did Jesus become transfigured when he went to be with the Lord? Well, he was transfigured when he went to the top of the mountain and met with Moses and Elijah, the law and the prophets. And Peter blurted out, Lord, it’s good that we’re here. Shall we make three tents, one for each of you? You remember that? Yes. Okay. We call that the Mount Transfiguration. And so something happened to both of them. When Moses goes up to the top of the mountain to meet with the Lord. He comes down and his face is shining. When Jesus goes up to the top of the mountain to meet with the Lord. He comes down and his face is shining. See the parallels?

[00:11:53] Pretty good. All right. OK.

[00:11:55] And then God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to let my people go. And Moses says, But how in the world is Pharaoh gonna believe that you sent me? How do you how did Moses. How did Moses prove to pharaoh and all of Israel that God sent him? Signs and wonders, signs and wonders how did Jesus prove to all Israel and us that God sent him home? No wonder signs and letters. Boy, in that pretty. That is it is coincidental. Or there is an author telling a story behind the story.

[00:12:42] Does that make sense or pretty cool, isn’t it?

[00:12:46] We’ll see. And then let’s talk about the Trinity. The Trinity is actually introduced in story form or allegory form. I guess we might use the word during the exodus. Let’s see if you can figure out how the Trinity is introduced. Any guests on that?

[00:13:07] Off the top of my head, no. I’d like to read the scripture.

[00:13:10] Ok, so. So let me ask you a question. OK. Did Jesus. Alesi, did God the father tell Moses what to do?

[00:13:23] Yes.

[00:13:24] And did Moses do what God the father said and showed him? Well, OK. The Godfather, tell Jesus what to do. And Jesus do what God the father said and showed him.

[00:13:40] Ok. So we have father and son ship already established. But what about the Holy Spirit? What’s unique about the Holy Spirit as relates to Jesus?

[00:13:52] According to scripture, the holy thirt was released after Jesus, after Jesus’s death on the cross and his when he was brought back, he came back for a few days and then when he left us again, he left the spirit.

[00:14:07] And so today he speaks to us, Jesus or the Holy Spirit?

[00:14:15] Well, it’s a loaded question. That’s a loaded question because really all of them, but all of it.

[00:14:21] Ok, so let me ask you this. When the Holy Spirit speaks to us. Is he speaking on his own initiative for what Jesus told him to speak?

[00:14:33] My personal opinion when I saw it speaks to me directly from Holy Spirit.

[00:14:38] All right. Let’s turn to John, 16 13. Let’s see what scripture tells us.

[00:14:43] Ok. John Fagone, 16, verse 13. Yes. All right.

[00:14:51] This says, When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth where he will not speak on his own authority. But whatever he hears, he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come.

[00:15:05] All right. So Holy Spirit doesn’t speak on his own. He only speaks what’s been declared to him and declares it to him. The father of Jesus. And Jesus declares to him what the father declared. Jesus, there’s this chain of authority. Does that make sense? God, the father gives everything to the son. Everything was made for the sun through the sun and by the sun. And everything is communicated through the sun to the spirit who then communicates to us. So how does this play a part with Moses?

[00:15:43] That’s a good question.

[00:15:44] All right, so let’s turn to Exodus for. And we’ll reverse this 14, 15 and 16. And while you’re doing that, let me give everyone the backstory. So God is calling Moses to go and set his people free and talk to Pharaoh, and Moses immediately backs away, says, no, no, no, I can’t do that. Get someone else. I can’t speak. I’m not a good public speaker. I stutter. You know, this is not a good role for me. Please, no, lord, not me. And that’s where we pick up. Exodus for verse 14. So reporting fifteen. Sixteen.

[00:16:26] Then the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses. And he said, is there not? Is there not, Aaron, your brother, the Levi? I know that he can speak well. Behold, he is coming out to meet you. And when he sees you, he will be glad in his heart. You shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth, and I will be your mouth. And with his mouth will teach you both what to do. I speak for you to the people. And he shall be your mouth. And you shall be as God to him.

[00:16:59] So Moses is a foreshadow of Jesus. And Aaron, now is a foreshadow the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is being revealed. All right. So that’s number three. Here’s number four parallel. First off, let me ask you. Jesus is declared to have a certain. Positional role in the descendants of God. He’s called the blank of God. Do you remember what that hereditary position is called?

[00:17:47] First, I’m thinking of the one I’m thinking of is in the order of Melchizedek is the first. Is that the one you’re referring to?

[00:17:54] Yeah, Jesus is the first born of God, right? Yeah. Okay. As its face in Hebrews you see first born read real quickly Exodus for twenty two and twenty three.

[00:18:12] Let’s see what God says about Israel.

[00:18:15] Okay. Then you shall say to Pharaoh. Thus says the Lord, Israel is my first born son. And I say to you, let my son go. That he may serve me if you refuse to let him go. Behold. I will kill. Kill your first born son.

[00:18:31] So now here we start to have some mysteries. OK. Israel is God’s first born. But yet he calls Jesus his first born. And in fact, go to First Corinthians 17. Let me take this mystery a few steps further into mystery.

[00:18:54] 6 First Corinthians 6 17, yes. OK. Then he joined the law becomes one.

[00:19:02] Mm hmm. So if we are one spirit with him, then we are the same. Is that correct?

[00:19:10] So then we are first born also.

[00:19:14] So now you have God, the father with many firstborn, which is a mystery because it can’t happen in the natural, but in the supernatural. God makes it happen. Born is actually an inheritance, right? Is what that is. And and so we find that when that Moses leads the first born out of bondage into the promised rest of the Lord Jesus leaves leads the first born out of bondage of sin into the promised rest of the Lord. OK. So we have the firstborn being introduced then. Number five is we have the Passover lamb. OK, so we know about, you know, Israel Day. They go out and they kill a lamb and what do they do with the lamb?

[00:20:14] Do you recall they would if you’re talking about during an exodus different, they would take the blood of the lamb and put it over the dorpers. And then what did that do, signify that they belonged to the Lord?

[00:20:30] Ok. All right. So there is a little bit more there, but you’re actually right. Ultimately, that also causes the spirit of death to pass over them. Hence the name Passover. Let’s read on that. Exodus twelve versus five through eight.

[00:20:49] Ok. Twelve, five to eight. Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male, a year old. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats, and you shall keep it until the 14th day of this month when the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill their lambs at twilight. Then they shall take some of the blood and put it on the tube to doorpost, and the lintel of the houses in which they eat. They still eat the flesh that night, roasted on the fire with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They shall eat it.

[00:21:23] So here’s the question. There’s a lot of specificity there. Why does God make it so specific? Anytime you see any word in the Bible, God placed it there. If you say a person’s name, there’s something unique about that name. OK. In fact, if you take the first ten or eleven generations, you know, Adam and then all the way down the line and you go back to the root name. You find that the names spell out the gospel presentation. OK. They each name has a meaning. And if you read the names in sequence, it’s the gospel. Well, here we have something just as specific we have. A male. Unblemished. Which does Jesus. He was a male, unblemished. OK. You’re going to slay the lamb at twilight. Jesus was slain at twilight. In fact, what’s interesting, we’ll get there in just a moment. But he was slain at the time. They were slaying the Passover lambs. OK. Then you have that is broad. Blood is sprinkled. OK, Jesus, this blood is sprinkle. The angel of death passes over. Our angel of death passes over because death is conquered. And then there’s one more element it says to eat the flesh. And John 5 excuse me, John 6:53. Jesus says, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son, a man and drink his blood, then you have no life in you. And so we say all of these things coming together, a mystery, but yet you see him all together and you go, God placed all this here for a very specific purpose and that’s purpose. This is for us to unveil or to have the Lord unveil it to us. Let me show you one other thing. Go to John 1914.

[00:23:30] Ok.

[00:23:35] All right. John, 19, verse 14. Says now it was a day of preparation of the Passover. It was about the 6:00 hour, he said to the Jews. Behold your teens.

[00:23:51] All right. So it was about the 6:00 hour. OK, let me read this from The Passion translation. It was now almost noon and it was the same day they were preparing to slay the Passover lambs. And then at the time of the Passover, they start to slay the lambs at the end of the day. So at the time that Jesus is being crucified and slain is the same time that they’re going through and slaying the Passover lambs and that girl. So it’s not only that Jesus is considered the lamb of God, but everything that happened at the original Passover is exactly what’s going on here. Then so that’s number five. Number six. Parallel with Exodus has access. Exodus tells us the story of us and Jesus. Okay. If you look at what God is doing with Pharaoh, God defeats the enemy. Of those. Holding his first born in bondage. And if you look at Jesus. God through Jesus. Defeat the enemy. Of those holding his first born in bondage as well. The enemy being sin and death. So guys defeating the enemies on both sides. So that’s number seven. Number six. Excuse me. And then water baptism. OK. Now I’ve got to let you know that. Presbyterian I go to a conservative is called P.C., a Presbyterian Church of America, a conservative Presbyterian Church megachurch, and very focused on, you know, hearings to the Bible. The Bible is infallible, inspired and all those right.

[00:25:50] Conservative precepts. But they believe in baptism by sprinkling as an infant, as a sign and seal of the covenant. That baptism replaces circumcision. I’m not arguing that sprinkling as an infant. Replaces circumcision as an infant in the old covenant. But here’s something interesting for those Baptists, friends of mine and others who believe in being dumped after you have salvation. That’s exactly what happens in the exodus. OK. God brings forth water immersion baptism. After you’ve been free from slavery, not before. OK, so watch this. So I’m kind of late lately. The story out for you. So, you know, the Israelites leave Egypt and God send some a longer route to the promised land and the shorter out because it says the short route, they would have to experience war and they’re not ready for that. So God sends them into a dead end. And you remember that. What caused that dead end? Well, there grumbling and complaining, yeah, the dead in is what is a big body wilderness, know the wilderness. Now, nobody before the wilderness, they had to go. They came to a dead end and then the Egyptian army came after them. Oh, the Red Sea. Yeah. There you go. The Red Sea. OK. They came to the Red Sea. Told that n they’re afraid. And then read for me. First Corinthians 10, verses 1 and 2.

[00:27:37] Ok, for I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.

[00:27:50] All right. So here we have Paul telling us, the Holy Spirit telling us that when the Egyptians went through the Red Sea, that was baptism. So here’s the sequence.

[00:28:04] They’re in bondage.

[00:28:07] The Lord Jesus through Moses signs and wonders praise him from bondage and on. And as soon as they get free from bondage, they then pass through baptism. A full immersion all the way down, all the way back up. The same thing. Jesus was baptized at the beginning of his ministry and we see all through the New Testament thereafter. Anytime someone comes to the Lord, the first thing that they did was what? Get baptized. They got baptized. Exactly. So now we have. Historical, allegorical, scriptural evidence that baptism comes after salvation after being free. And so now we have baptism. That is a parallel with Exodus. OK. And what we go through and then. So now let me ask you, when someone comes to the Lord and they experience salvation. How deeply do they know Jesus, really deep or just superficially at that point?

[00:29:21] I think it depends on the person, but most likely just superficially that point.

[00:29:28] So then throughout the rest of their life, they start to get to know Jesus much more intimately, right? Yes. OK. So Jesus starts to really introduce himself. Well, that’s the same thing that happens now. Once they come through baptism, then Jesus starts to introduce himself. So a couple of the names. So we see if any of these names ring a bell. Have you ever heard the name Rock of Ages for Jesus?

[00:29:57] Tree of Life. Have you ever heard that is one of Jesus’s death? Yeah. How about River of Life? Ever heard that? Yes. How about Bread of life? Yes. How about Lamb of God? Yes.

[00:30:11] Ok. So we’ve already covered Lamb of God. But what about Rock of Ages? What about Tree of Life? So let’s talk about Tree of life for a moment. There is another name for the Tree of Life. It’s not explicit, but implicit in the Bible. Do you know what the other name for Tree of Life is?

[00:30:33] You know, I would be guessing.

[00:30:37] Ok. Where’s Tree of Life? First introduce, do you remember?

[00:30:42] Oh, gosh, I would say the Garden of Eden.

[00:30:44] Yeah, in the Garden of Eden. OK. I think it’s Genesis 3. And there are two trees in the center of the garden. Those trees are called.

[00:30:55] It’s free of the same tree of knowledge of good and evil.

[00:31:02] And the tree of life, oak tree of knowledge, of good and evil does what?

[00:31:10] It’s it’s not what they were supposed to be eating. And it’s the one that’s supposed to reveal all things. So if they were to eat of it, they would be sinning because God told them not to.

[00:31:22] All right. So the tree of the knowledge of good and evil brings forth death. Tree of life is going to bring forth life. Correct. OK. Tree of life is also the tree of the knowledge of God. So you really had the two trees, the tree of death, which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And you had the tree of life, which is the tree of the knowledge of God. The knowledge here is not book knowledge like we think of it. It’s an intimate knowledge. Adam knew his wife, Eve. OK. It’s a very intimate term of knowledge. And so what we have is you have this knowledge of Christ, his intimacy with Christ that brings forth life. So let’s look at how this starts to be introduced. So as soon as the Israelites come out of the Red Sea, they go to a place called Morro. And let’s just read that Exodus 15-. Twenty two through twenty five.

[00:32:39] All right. XO’s fifteen twenty two through twenty five. Then Moses made Israel set out from the Red Sea and they went into the wilderness of sure, they went three days in the wilderness and found no water when they came to Mara. They could not during the water of Mara because it was bitter. Therefore, it was named Mara. And the people grumbled against Moses saying, what shall we drink? And he cried to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a log. He threw it in the water and the water became sweet. There the Lord made for them a statue and a rule. And there he tested them.

[00:33:20] Great. Now where says she showed him a log. Do you have a footnote on that word? Log? And if so, what does it say on the footnote?

[00:33:28] It gives me a scripture and then it says or tree log or a tree.

[00:33:34] So let me see if this makes sense. So this kind of becomes a pattern even in our lives. OK. So all of this is the pattern of our lives. So they travel for three days without water. They get really scared and really frustrated. They’re about to die of thirst. So often the Lord leads us through dry times where. We’re about to perish and he does it because he wants to introduce himself in a mighty way to us, as someone said, you know, the night is darkest before the dawn. Right. So they come to this place and the water is bitter. What that means is that it’s full of death. They can’t drink it even though they are thirsty. Three days, no water. They can’t drink this water. So why in the world would God tell Moses to throw a log into the into the water? Signs that make them wonder, signs that make him wonder, OK. But there’s a deeper meaning. So that log is a tree. What do we know about trees? When trees are first introduced, what are trees representing?

[00:34:45] They’re going to either bring life or death.

[00:34:48] That’s right. Trees are gonna represent the knowledge of God or the knowledge of good and evil. They represent knowledge, intimacy. And so in this case, Jesus is introducing himself. He throws a tree. And we know this is the tree of life because instantly says the tree of life hits the water of death. It all turns sweet. Death is banished and life comes in to the fullest. Do you see any correlation with that? In our own Christian wall? OK. So we got a tree of life. OK. Then shortly after that, we have another problem. They run out of food. OK. And. And so God tells Moses, well, I’m going to send them. Bread from heaven and turn with me to Exodus 16 4. And let’s look at this thing they call manna to read Exodus 16 for.

[00:35:59] Ok. Then the lord said to Moses. Behold. I’m about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion. Every day that I may test them whether they will walk in my law or not.

[00:36:16] Ok. So bread from heaven. And then Jesus makes a comment about bread from heaven. Do you remember what his comment was?

[00:36:23] He said, I’m. I am the living bread. I am the bread of life.

[00:36:28] Yes. Let’s read it. John. Six versus 32 and 33.

[00:36:37] All right. John, six thirty two and thirty three. Jesus then said to them, truly, truly, I say to you. It was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but my father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.

[00:36:58] Mm hmm. Bread of heaven, man. It was actually Jesus.

[00:37:07] Jesus is equating himself, has I. And the one who comes down and gives life to the world. That bread from heaven. That wasn’t for Moses. As for my father, that’s me. So this bread from heaven. Jesus is introducing himself to the Israelites as the bread of life. First he was the tree of life. Now is the bread of life. It’s always sustenance that supports what we need. He always starts to bring it and introduce it at the time that we think we’re about to perish. And then one, he brings it. It sustains us. And as we find with the manna, it’s day by day sustaining us, not building up and storing it up for a month or two at a time. We’ll talk God go into the wilderness another time. So now we got manna from heaven. Where the exodus parallels us and Jesus as our walk with him. So then we have another time that he introduces himself. Jesus is the river of life and he’s the rock of ages. Anything in the exodus ring a bell for you where maybe there’s a river life or a rock of ages.

[00:38:25] Mm hmm. I’m thinking. I think it was Moses when he struck a rock because God told him to and it produced water.

[00:38:34] Ok, good. Let’s read on that. You’re right. So that’s going to be Exodus 17 versus 5 and 6. And as you go there, let me lay the backstory, because this is really interesting. Things always happen in certain spots as well. OK. For example, the place where. The place where Abraham sacrificing Isaac is the same place, I believe, where Isaac laid his head and had a dream. I may be wrong on that one, but it’s the same place where when David did a census and God was angry, he killed a lot of people. The angel of death stopped at the threshing floor. That’s the same spot as where Abraham sacrificed Isaac. And that’s the same spot where Solomon built the temple. So what we find is there’s a continuity. The characters of the Bible are not just people, and rarely are they people, but their shadows and their elements. Trees and stars and seed mountains. One of the characters in the Bible is this is called Mount horeb. Mount horeb is first introduced because Moses is out in the wilderness after leaving Egypt and he sees a burning bush. On Mount horeb, and now God tells the Moses. Grab the leaders. You say you everyone’s complaining you don’t have any water. Grab the leaders and go over to Mt. horeb. Okay. He’s leading them back there a little bit later. Moses goes up to the town’s top of Mount horeb, gets the Ten Commandments. That’s where he meets God. And his face starts to shine a little bit later with Elijah when he second gets, you know, kills all the bell prophets. He he s, you know, built on a sacrifice. And Lord comes down and reigns far from heaven and consumes it. And then Jezebel’s says, I’m going to kill you. Elijah and Elijah goes 40 days and 40 nights to meet with God. He goes to Mt. horeb. Okay. So we see this character and that’s where we are right now. So so in this passage, Exodus 17 5 through 6, let’s read it from there.

[00:41:03] All right. And the Lord said to Moses, pass on before the people taking with you some of the elders of Israel and taking your hand. The staff with which you struck the Nile and go, behold, I will stand before you there on the rocket horeb and you shall strike the rock and water shall come out of it. And the people will drink. And Moses did, too. And the sight of the elders of Israel.

[00:41:31] How does this correlate with the gospel?

[00:41:41] Jesus, when he was betrayed on the cross, when he was crucified, they struck his side, pierced his side and water came out.

[00:41:50] Yes. Colonel, also to First Corinthians 10 4. Let me show you something real interesting.

[00:41:59] First point in verse 4 and all drink the same spiritual drink. 4 they drink from the spiritual rock that followed them and the rock was Christ.

[00:42:13] So this rock follows him. It says the rock with Christ, the staff for the rod. What material was that made out of? Would most likely wood and wood comes from a tree tree.

[00:42:31] Oh, OK, so now we have a rock. Christ, we have a tree. And when Christ is struck with the tree, life comes from him.

[00:42:45] Whereas Christchurch struck with a tree.

[00:42:49] Was it the spirit or do you think it may have been the cross? He takes the death that’s owed us. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, right. And from that pause, rivers of living water. So now we have Kreiss introducing himself there. The reason I believe that this striking the rock is not the spear piercing his side as much as the cross is, because there was another time where there is a rock and water. Do you remember that one?

[00:43:33] I don’t know. Still ahead, let’s go there. It’s a numbers. OK. OK.

[00:43:38] A little bit further down the line numbers. Twenty. And let me read this because it’s a bunch of stuff and I’m just going to. So we’re going to read from numbers twenty two through twelve. I mean, just pull it up real quick. And try to truncate it. So there is no water for the congregation. They all get upset at Moses and quarrel with Moses and says basically, you know, we should have. Why do you? We should perish with our brothers before the Lord. Why we brought the assembly of the Lord here. And and then Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the entrance to the tent of meeting, going to the Lord fell on their faces. And here’s what the Lord says. Soaring verse say. Take the staff and assemble the congregation. You and Aaron, your brother, and tell the rock before their eyes to yield this water. So then we skipping it says Moses took the staff as he commanded and they gathered the assembly and he says, here now you rebels, shall we bring water for you out of this rock and put in Moses to.

[00:44:55] He lifted his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice. And water came out abundantly. And the congregation drank and their livestock.

[00:45:05] Oh, so water comes out again and he strikes the rock again. But the Lord told him not to strike it. To speak to it. The Lord said take the staff, the assemble the congregation and tell the rot before their eyes to yield is water. And then Moses strikes it and what’s the consequence? And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, because you did not believe in me to uphold me as wholly in the eyes of the people of Israel. Therefore, you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I’ve given them. In other words, because you struck the rock instead of speaking to it, you cannot enter into my rest. Now, does that ring a bell anywhere else in scripture?

[00:46:03] In the New Testament, I can’t recall where, but yeah. So why did this obedience.

[00:46:10] Oh, it’s more than that. So don’t turn to Hebrews 6 6.

[00:46:17] And maybe start with first four or five wherever it goes, the thought pattern begins. Haber’s six. Starting with four or five, it goes through the end of six.

[00:46:28] Ok, let’s we’ll start in four. Four. It is possible in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted and heavenly gift and have shared in the Holy Spirit and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away to restore them again to repentance. Since they are crucifying one again, once again the son of God to their own harm, and holding him up to contempt..

[00:46:58] So if we try to crucified Christ a second time, we cannot enter into his rest. So what did Moses do with the staff? With the rod? He did the same thing that he did the first time, the first time he struck it. Representing, I believe, crucifixion. And the second time he is supposed to speak to Ben said he struck it. And the writer of Hebrews tells us, you know, once Selma’s tasted of all the goodness of the God and then falls away, you can’t crucify Christ again. I believe that’s what was going on there. Does that make sense? OK, so now we see this is item number 10. Jesus is the river of life, the rock of ages, the water from the rocks while going through the wilderness as Jesus, providing sustenance, introducing himself. Then we get to something kind of strange. Jesus is correlated with the serpent. Doesn’t that seem strange?

[00:48:12] Do you recall what that might be? Or what? Or any part of that storyline? I do not.

[00:48:20] Ok, so let’s read it. All right. So let’s go to numbers. Twenty one. Versus 4 3 9.

[00:48:30] All right. Numbers, Tony, 1 4 3 9 4, Mount hor-. They set out, by the way, to the Red Sea to go around the land of items and the people became impatient. On the way. And the people spoke against God and against Moses. Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no food and no water. And we load this worthless food. Then the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people so that many people of Israel died. And the people came to Moses and said, we have sinned. For we have spoken against the Lord and against you. Pray to the Lord that he may take away the serpent from us. So Moses prayed for the people, and the Lord said to Moses, make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole. And everyone who was bitten when he sees it shall live. So Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. And if a serpent bit anyone, he would look at the bronze serpent and live.

[00:49:33] Mm hmm. So what does it. Let’s go back to the character.

[00:49:38] Serpent represents what the enemy, the devil and what’s the enemy of man.

[00:49:48] That’s right. Sin and death. So the serpent represents and in death, this is the same character that God is the storyteller introduced earlier on, and so man falls away from the Lord, the Lord gets angry, he sends sin and death. Everyone says, save us. So. So God tells Moses. Put an image of this of sin and debt up on a pole. Now, let me ask you, have you ever. Have you ever held a snake before?

[00:50:21] I have. Maybe a dead one, too. By chance, though. Yes. OK.

[00:50:27] If you were to put a dead snake just up on a pole, what happens to it? Does it fall back down?

[00:50:32] You think?

[00:50:33] A hands on. OK. So a pole like a broomstick. You just stick it up there and it’s gonna hang? Or do you have to do it?

[00:50:39] Ok. I’m sorry. I thought you meant like if I were going to attack it. OK. Yeah. No, it’s going to fall off. It’s going to fall out.

[00:50:47] So would it be safe to say that if you put a little crossbar at the top, then you can kind of wrap the snake around and it’ll stay up there? Yes. OK. We don’t have empirical data that Paul had a crossbar, but it makes sense that it could and make sense that it would because. The serpent. Represents Jesus.

[00:51:11] Mm hmm, hmm.

[00:51:13] Wait, hold on. The serpent represents sin and death. That doesn’t sound right, does it? I mean, Jesus represents sin and death.

[00:51:24] Right. Well, no, but yes, because he represented sin and death on our behalf by dying on the cross. He took our sin and the death and the punishment that we deserve so that we could live eternally with him.

[00:51:41] Yes. So First Corinthians 10, I believe, says that he became sin for us. Right. So he became sin for us. And then look also. And John 3:14. Jesus actually says I am that serpent that was lifted up.

[00:52:01] And not quite those same words, but he writes on it, Harry, 14 3/4 chain and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness. So must the son of man be lifted up.

[00:52:16] So Jesus is saying what Moses did is representing me. I’m going to be lifted up on a tree. Because that’s what the poll is, it’s a tree and I’m going to become sin for you. And just as all of visual, when they looked at the image of sin and death on a tree, they were healed. Jesus says, just as you look at my image, as I become sin and death for you on a tree, you too shall be healed.

[00:52:53] All right. So that’s number eleven, right?

[00:52:56] We’ve got two more. So the Bible talks about the old man versus the new man. Are you familiar with that term? OK. Do both the old man and the new man go into heaven?

[00:53:11] No. OK. Which one goes? The new man in which one stays, the old man.

[00:53:19] How is. How does that correlate to Exodus? Any idea?

[00:53:26] The. The newly transformed people were the ones that got to inherit the problem.

[00:53:35] Yeah, let’s read it. All right. So numbers for change. We’ll do twenty two, twenty three and thirty one, twenty to twenty three, thirty one as you’re turning there before you re, let me give you the backstory, OK? So while the backstory is, is they are now about to enter the promised land. After two years only in the wilderness, they send out 12 spies. They spend 40 days. All these numbers represent something. OK. Everything significant. They come back and they give a report that says the land is full. It’s abundant. And then 10 of those twelve spies turns everyone sour because they said, oh, we could never conquer that enemy. They are giants in the land and we are like grasshoppers before them. And so all of Israel wails and they refuse to go in. Only Joshua and Caleb said, no, we can do this work and we’ll protect us. You know, we’ll take care of it. So now we pick up numbers fourteen twenty two, twenty three and thirty one. Can you read those.

[00:54:52] Yes. Twenty two. None of the men who have seen my glory in my sign that I did in Egypt and in the wilderness and yet have put me to the test these ten times and has not obeyed my voice. I shall see the land that I swore to give to their fathers, and none of those who despise me shall see it. Verse thirty one. Says, but your little ones who you said would become a prey. I will bring in and they shall know the land that you have rejected.

[00:55:26] All right. Now read John 3/3. And while you’re there, let me just kind of articulate clearly those who came from the land of slavery. The old man could not enter the promised land. Only the new men, those who were born afterwards. Or still children at the time they left. Only the new men can enter the promised land was for all. But only the new man got to come in. So now let’s see what Jesus says about the same thing. John, three.

[00:56:08] All right. Jesus answered him. Truly, truly. I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God born again.

[00:56:19] Is what’s used as the term the new man. So now we have again, the 12th of all of these paralell showing the exodus is all about us and Jesus, right. The old man can’t come in, but only the new man. And then there’s one final thing. God promised that there would be many mansions. Jesus says, this is John 1:46 set in my father’s house are many rooms. And if it were not so, I’d have told you and I go in there to prepare a place for you. Okay. And then let’s see, Hebrews. I’m just gonna skip Rantel. This is in Hebrews 4. And it says, let’s see for the promise of entering is rest still stand. So we find this concept of rest. That’s another character. The Bible that God uses throughout this rest still stands. Let’s say the message did that for we who have believed enter that rest SCA sward, as he said, as I swore in my wrath, they shall not enter my rest. Although his works were finished from the foundation of the world dot, dot, dot. Since therefore it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly received the good news, the old man failed to enter it because of disobedience. Whoever has entered God’s rest, the new man. Has also rested from his works as guided from his. So who were you talking about when you enter? God rest. It’s a place of rest. It’s not a place of work in labor. Now, let’s read what God says about the place that he’s sending his people in the exodus. That’s from the New Testament. Let’s go back to the Old Testament. Go to Deuteronomy 6 versus ten and eleven.

[00:58:22] And we’re just about to ring dead, rising ten and eleven, ten and eleven.

[00:58:27] And when the Lord, your God brings you into the land that he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac and Jacob, to give you was a great and good city that you did not build. And house is full of all good things that you did not fill, insisting that you did not dig in vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant. And when you eat in our full.

[00:58:52] There you go then. Yeah.

[00:58:54] So here we have God telling them, I’m bringing you to a land of rest. You’re going to cities, houses, cisterns, vineyards, everything already in place for you, you didn’t have. You don’t need labor for any of it. It’s a land of rest. And so this is the journey of the exodus from slavery. Freed signs and wonders by Jesus. Water baptism. Jesus introduces himself as the tree of life. The bread of life. The Rock of ages. The river of life. Always sustaining the old man can’t enter. But the new man does. And when the new man enters, it’s a place of rest where all of the work has already been finished. And now we get to go and enjoy it. That’s the gospel.

[00:59:49] We’ll.

[00:59:50] That’s a full gospel message lived out in the lives of millions of people in the allegorical story of that, his historical action of those lives written by the author of the Bible, which is written by, I think what is it, 60 sixty 66 books written by 43 different people. And we started to see this entire thread of continuity. Just another full example of there is no way that the Bible could be simply sewn together. A bunch of disparate books that are all different, different authors and everyone just kind of having a similar kind of theme, but no continuity. There is so much continuity from beginning to end. It is absolutely unmistakable. There’s only one author, even though a number of men penned it along the way in that call.

[01:00:49] Yes, that’s all.

[01:00:51] So I think we’re about at the end of our time and we’re at the end of what I wanted to share. Any thoughts on this? Does this bring any hause or anything like that to you?

[01:01:03] I just love how Jesus is worthy, old and even in the Old Testament. You know, there’s so many that believe that Jesus is only in the New Testament. And I just love the revealing of Jesus in the Old Testament all the way through. I love it.

[01:01:21] Yeah. And the thing that comes to mind is he is the same yesterday, today and forever. And if we look at what happened even through this whole period with the exodus, Jesus is there loving his people, providing for them, just like he does today. All they had to do is ask. What happened is and we’ll get into this on another topic when we talk about going through a wilderness is they always waited, too. They were desperate before they reached out to the Lord. And the Lord wants us to reach out to them before we get desperate. So anyway. All right. Well, I think that’s it today. Have a great day and be blessed.

[01:01:58] Thank you so much for sharing with us. Maybe I’ll look forward to our next call. And talking with you all again soon.

[01:02:04] Sounds good. Bye bye. Alrighty bye.
