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GetRadicalFaith is committed to protecting your privacy. In this policywe explain how and why we collect information and certain rights you have overits use.

From time to time, we add or change functions, features or products to ourWeb Site or add or change Services. This, and our commitment to protecting theprivacy of your personal information, may result in periodic changes to thisPrivacy Policy. As a result, please remember to refer back to this PrivacyPolicy regularly to review any amendments.

Any questions regarding our Privacy Policy should be directed to ourcorporate entity at

Your acceptance of these Privacy Statement terms
By using this site you unconditionally agree to be bound by this PrivacyPolicy

What data do we collect and how do we use it?
If we collect information about you, it is information you voluntarilyprovide, such as if you complete an online form requesting to be put on ouremail list. If you do may send you information we think you may find useful. Youare under no obligation to provide this information, but if you don’t then wemay not be able to provide you with certain services or personalize yourexperience and tailor our Services for you.

Use of Cookies
Cookies are pieces of information that a Web Site transfers to your harddrive to store and sometimes track information about you. Most web browsersautomatically accept cookies, but if you prefer, you can change your browser toprevent that. If you select to block cookies you may not be able to take fulladvantage of a Web Site. Cookies are specific to the server that created themand cannot be accessed by other servers, which means they cannot be used totrack your movements around the Internet. While cookies do identify a user’scomputer, they do not personally identify customers or passwords. Credit cardinformation is not stored in cookies.

We use cookies for one or more of the following reasons:
(i) To recognize your computer for better viewing experience;
(ii) To estimate our audience size and patterns.

We allow third-party companies to collect certain anonymous information when youvisit our website. These companies may use non-personally identifiableinformation during your visits to this and other websites in order to provideadvertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you.These companies typically use a cookie or a third party web beacon to collectthis information. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice, youcan visit  You can opt out of Google’s use ofcookies by visiting the Ads Preferences Manager. Alternatively, you can opt outof a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network AdvertisingInitiative opt-out page.

With whom is the information shared?
If you are a subscriber or prospective subscriber to our services orinformation we will not share, sell or rent your personal information to thirdparties. We may disclose aggregate statistics about our site visitors todescribe our services to prospective partners, advertisers and other reputablethird parties and for other lawful purposes, but these statistics will notinclude personally identifying information. We may disclose personal informationif required to do so by law or if it believes that such action is necessary toprotect and defend the rights, property or personal safety of this website,MasterGrabber LLC (the owner of this site) and its Web Sites, visitors to theWeb Sites and customers of our Services.

Our Web Site may contain links to the sites of third parties. When you visitthese sites, we suggest that you read their privacy policies. We not responsiblefor the privacy policies or the content of such sites. We will only sell or rentyour personal information to a third party either as part of a sale of theassets of Master Grabber or having ensured that steps have been taken to ensurethat your privacy rights continue to be protected.

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.