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Speaker1: [00:00:00.18] Well, welcome everyone, I’m so glad you have joined me again today. My name is Penny. I’m super excited to be joined with my great friend Beatty Carmichael for this next session of sellers calling you. Beatty is the CEO of Master Grabber, the creator of Agent Dominator and one of the top marketing experts in the real estate field. Beatty. As always, such a pleasure to be joined with you. I’m super excited for our conversation today. What do you have for our listeners?

Speaker2: [00:00:32.31] Well, Penny, and as always, I’m excited about being here and sharing some things to them through our conversation here. So for our listeners, this is going to be one of our radical faith topics. And so if you’re new on our podcast, we do two types of topics on this podcast. One is real estate marketing how to generate listings primarily for your real estate business. And the second is radical faith, which is how to walk in greater faith in your life as a Christian. So today we’re doing the Christian topic. So if you are listening and you have no interest in that topic, then just skip this episode and come back for the next one. So, Penny, what I wanted to do is we’ve been talking and our radical faith sessions on the topic of faith like Jesus, and today I want to wrap this up. So this is a Session six on that, and today’s topic is how to walk in greater faith. So we’ve kind of covered what all of this is and we’ve been building up from, you know, faith is a substance. It’s something from God that Jesus, when he would heal people, he would say, your faith has made you well, instead of him saying, I healed you of your faith, healed you. Then we looked into the difference between what faith is and what authority is. And we started to understand that this faith for doing the miraculous has to do with authority. And then we discussed the authority at a deeper level. That authority can be transferred and even someone like that. We talked about a general who wanted to arrest a colonel. So he called the private into his office and said, Private, go arrest the colonel.

Speaker2: [00:02:25.56] And so we had this juxtaposition where the private, who is the lowest guy on the totem pole in the military, has no authority over a colonel who because the colonel has like authority over 5000 people. Ok. But yet when the general gives the authority to the private, the private is now more powerful than the colonel and can arrest him. So we talked about authority in that way. We also talked and shared about with faith. It’s it connects us to the power of God in a sense that the Bible says multiple times, but like in X 10 38, it says that Jesus healed through the power of the Holy Spirit. And Faith allows us to act to do God’s work and the Holy Spirit to come in and perform that for which we’re doing. And so like in, we use the an example to illustrate this of a crane operator in a heavy manufacturing type of plant, and he just moves a joystick. But that joystick controls his heavy lift crane that can lift 50 tons, OK and move it around. And that’s what faith is with the authority. We can do a lot, but we also learn in that example that the crane operator was given authority to use the crane to do the companies will not his own will. So if he had like a pickup truck with a heavy load, he would not be authorized to use the crane to take that load off of his pickup truck. But he could take a even a heavier load off of the the 18 wheeler because as part of the company’s work, does that make sense?

Speaker1: [00:04:10.95] Yeah, it does.

Speaker2: [00:04:12.15] Ok. And then in in the last session, we started to look at this thing called faith and understand one of the big confusions out there. This is where we talked about. We went through what I call the all things discourses where Jesus says all things are possible with faith, with faith. You can call this mountain and command it to move and it will. You can command a fig tree to die, and it will. And anything you ask and believe in your heart in faith, then it will happen. And we have had a real tough time believing that Jesus could be speaking literally because it seems preposterous when you start to extrapolate and say all things, what could that really mean? But as we looked at it deeper, we realize that Jesus was speaking, I believe, 100 percent literal. But we had a difficulty in the paradigm of what he meant by believing because we all have heard those stories of, you know, if you disbelieve enough, God will heal you and God doesn’t heal you. And maybe you believe enough God will keep this person from dying.

Speaker2: [00:05:25.35] The guy still dies. And so we go, Well, this doesn’t work. So what we discovered in the last session? Was that the believing is a belief of the heart, not of the mind? And we have no control over believing in the heart. We do have control over believing in the mind. That’s why people, we use a story, a real example last time where a church was preaching, if you just there was a family there with a diabetic son on insulin. And the pastor would preach, if you simply believe enough God will heal your son. And so they wanted their son to be healed so much that they believed and they convince themselves that God was going to heal it, heal him. So they took their son off of insulin and their son died. And so now we got this great big problem. But I did what the Bible said wrong. You did not, because it’s not belief of the head, its belief of the heart. And there are two totally different types of belief is that. Do you remember that from our last?

Speaker1: [00:06:34.89] Yes. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker2: [00:06:36.56] So today I want to now crystallize all that we’ve been talking about and kind of tie up a lot of loose ends and talk about application. How do you walk in greater faith? What does it look like, how you know what happens and and and that type of stuff. So that’s kind of where we’re going to go today. So are you ready?

Speaker1: [00:06:57.59] I am. It sounds great.

Speaker2: [00:06:59.21] Good. So the first thing I wanted to do is I wanted to share some stories, just some personal testimonies of this thing called faith, because it’s really cool. And I pull I’m going to pull some just from some of the what I call the divine healings that I’ve seen God do through me, because that’s one of the big things that the Lord calls us to do. You know, when he sent his disciples out, he gave them basically four commands heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and cleanse the leper. So, you know, I’m now done two of those four, and I’m working on trying to get to the other two, OK. But but with the command comes the authority to do it so so we can see faith in action really well in the realm of healing. So I want to share some of that. And just to provide a definition, especially for my conservative brethren who were very right in some of their thinking on this. But just to clarify what I’m talking about when I use the term healed, what I’m actually describing is all of the all of the symptoms are completely gone. Ok? So for example, if I pray for a deaf person, so like just the other day I was out at Walmart and this lady was mostly almost completely deaf in her left ear from birth. You know, if I were to snap my finger, she couldn’t hear it in the left ear or very dull.

Speaker2: [00:08:23.93] But if I snapped it on the right ear, she could hear it. So I prayed for her left ear and then I snapped in the left ear. And she says, I hear it and says, OK, let me go, snap on the right ear. And she said, I hear it more clearly in my left ear than my right ear. She didn’t realize that she was partially tapping her right here. So then I prayed for a right ear and then I snapped on both sides, and she could hear it equally as well. So I would call that a healing. Ok. Yeah. Symptomatically, now, the doctor hasn’t observed her and confirmed it, but symptomatically we can say, well, something happened because where she could not hear now, she hears perfectly well. So that’s how I defined the terms healing just for our friends. That may have some question about that. But let me share just a couple of things. So as some of our listeners may know, I go to Walmart on the weekends a lot of times and I just walk up to people, and I believe that the Lord’s called me to do this. So this is now I’m doing his work and therefore I carry his authority. And I walk up to people and I just say, Hey, I’m out praying for people.

Speaker2: [00:09:28.28] Is there anything I can pray for you about? And whatever it is, I’ll pray for it. And a lot of times I uncover people who have physical maladies that they were, like, healed so on. On one occasion, I met this guy. He’s a big black man. He was wearing red sweatpants. Ok? I kind of put these little visual mental cues because it helps me remember. And the guy’s name is Edward, and I was asking him if there’s anything I could pray for. And he said his right knee was an extreme pain. Normally, it’s like on a scale of one to 10, it’s more like nine or 10. That day it was only about five or six. But he said he had bone on bone and is always painful. So I prayed for it and it said, test it out. He said. I don’t feel any pain. I said, Well, do something you couldn’t do without a lot of pain. So he goes down and does a deep knee bend stands right back up. Absolutely no pain. And then I said, Is there anything else I can pray for you about? He said, Yes, my I had glaucoma in my left eye. Now I don’t know, you know, so a lot of times I use these terms and I don’t really know what it means. So I actually looked up. Glaucoma and glaucoma is an incurable disease.

Speaker2: [00:10:41.42] Ok. Doctors have no clue how to cure it. All right. And and I said, Well, what are the symptoms? He said, is, he says, it’s like looking through a dirty windshield. So if you can imagine, he said, if you have a car that you leave outside under a tree for a couple of years, you know how dirty that windshield gets. Says that’s what it’s like looking out of my left eye, and if I look at a bright light, there’s a searing pain. So I say, Well, let me pray for it. So I put my hand over his eye and I prayed for it. And I said, test it out. And he said, is completely clear, as if you know, like someone went and washed that windshield and made it perfectly clear and said, Well, look, I bet a bright light. So there are some bright lights there in Wal-Mart. He looked and said, there’s no pain. So I would call that healing, OK. And all this happens literally within like 30 seconds. Ok, we’re not talking about hours and hours. Then I remember another time I was out. I ran across these two little old ladies riding the electric scooters through Wal-Mart and the young one. A lady named Regina was in her mid-60s. And I asked if I could pray. She says, Yes, my right knee is excruciating pain. And so what happened? She said, Well, I had full knee replacement surgery five days ago on Monday.

Speaker2: [00:12:00.05] Okay. So for anyone who’s had full knee replacement surgery, you know what she’s experiencing? No, all of the tissues have been damaged and there’s lots of inflammation and swelling. So I prayed for it on a scale of one to 10, she said. It was like a nine. So I prayed for it, you know, put my hand on and prayed and all the pain go away and need to be healed as hell. Ok, now test it out. So she said, Well, I don’t feel any pain right now, so we’ll get out of the scooter and sit and test it and see what happens. So if she gets out of school and starts walking and there’s absolutely no pain, she’s walking normally. Well, then six weeks later, OK? Sometimes people say, Oh, this must be psychosomatic, it’s going to come back. So six weeks later, she actually calls me and I asked her as we were talking and say, Hey, tell me about your knee. How does it feel? She says, Still no pain. Okay? So I go look up knee replacement surgery and three to six months after the surgery, it says there’s still swelling and mild to medium level of pain and yet instantly heal. And I could go on and on, but this could just kind of gives an idea of what can happen when you walk by faith.

Speaker2: [00:13:11.18] And so what I want to do now is I want to review and just kind of tie together a lot of these some loose ends and try to now bring it all together and make some sense. And from that standpoint, I want to start penny at a 50000 foot elevation. Ok, so 50000 feet, that’s outer space. You can actually see the curvature of the Earth and you can see the entire continent, OK? Things of that sort. So at 50000 foot elevation, where we’ve come from is we’ve been laying a foundation to understand this thing that that the Bible calls faith and and faith is what allows us to walk in the authority that we have. Ok. And so Ephesians two tells us that we are in the position of highest authority. It says using the past tense that we already sit in Christ on his throne above all rule authority, power and dominion. Ok. Yeah. And even though we have all authority, we don’t walk in that all authority. This is the challenge we ran into on our last session in what I call the all things discourses. Jesus says all things are possible, but we know that they’re not possible to us. But he’s he’s talking from a position of perfect, perfect faith because we don’t have that perfect faith. We don’t walk in the authority that we we’ve been given. Is this making sense?

Speaker1: [00:14:46.10] Yes, it is OK.

Speaker2: [00:14:47.63] And if we were to tie this back to the example with the private arresting the colonel. Watch this This is this is what this kind of helps me clarify what I’m trying to say. If the private wanted to requisition an airplane to fly home one weekend, he has no authority to do that. But as soon as the general says, go arrest the colonel, if that if that colonel was in another state, then the private therefore has the authority of the general to requisition an airplane to fly to that state, requisition a jeep from the motor pool to drive to the colonel’s office and go arrest the colonel. In other words, with the command comes all the authority to accomplish the general’s will. And so even though we’ve been given all authority, we don’t walk in it because we don’t walk in the full faith to tap into it. And the only way to walk in that authority is through faith. And the conundrum is that you can’t have faith on your own. Faith isn’t simply believing, OK. Faith is understanding God’s truth, and and what we learned last session is that faith is of the heart and not of the mind, and therefore it has very little relevance what you believe in your mind.

Speaker2: [00:16:13.83] In fact, here’s something real interesting. There is a time I was reviewing some notes. There is a time that I saw a two or three fold increase in the effectiveness of praying, for people, for healing where I would normally, you know, maybe two or three people would be healed and would take multiple attempts and all kinds of stuff. I went out this one other day and there were like seven people instantly healed every single one and I thought, Wow, what happened? So I went back and I analyzed it. And one of the things that I did that day that was different because I learned this from someone else who who prays for healing. And in the in the past, what I would do is when I would pray for healing. Like if I’m praying for someone’s knee, I would look at that knee almost like with laser eyes. Have you ever had those times when you were looking at something you feel like your eyes are so powerful you can actually penetrate it because you’re concentrating so hard?

Speaker1: [00:17:09.83] Yes.

Speaker2: [00:17:10.50] Ok. So I would do that. I would look at that knee and I would penetrate it with my eyes and I say, be healed and I command you to be healed. And I was forceful well on this day. I tried it differently if I was praying for a knee. I literally put my hand on the person’s knee and as I’m saying, be healed, I would just be ho hum looking away. I literally would turn my neck and go, Look at something else. I’d watch a bird fly, I’d watch people shop or wherever I was. In other words, it was as if I was ignoring it. Hmm. And here’s what’s interesting. That helped dramatically, because faith is not of the mind. And the more you strive with your mind to believe it actually detracts from your faith of the heart. And so what we find is that there’s little relevance of what you believe in your mind. Absolutely believing your mind helps, but trying to force your mind to believe detracts from faith.

Speaker1: [00:18:15.32] Hmm.

Speaker2: [00:18:16.16] We found that the heart is the supernatural part of us. Ok, so it’s like the heart. Is that part of the spirit man that believes and it’s our spirit man. If I use that term kind of loosely, you know, we’re we’re reborn in our spirit and we’re given a new spirit man, so to speak. And faith is is resides there. It doesn’t reside in our mind. So that’s kind of the 50000 foot elevation of what we’ve come through. I want to bring this down now to about a 10000 foot elevation and look at it a little more specifically where we’re going. And that is that at the 10000 foot elevation we have our authority in Christ Christ commanded us to do his well. Do you remember where he commanded us to do his will? I mean, there’s lots of places, but what’s the what’s the great command, do you remember?

Speaker1: [00:19:12.32] I mean, the great commission is what I’m thinking of.

Speaker2: [00:19:14.75] Exactly. So can you kind of loosely quote it?

Speaker1: [00:19:18.86] He says, to go into all the world and let’s see baptize in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.

Speaker2: [00:19:30.11] Ok, so so let me back up and let me give a fuller on that all authority in heaven and Earth has been granted to me. Go, therefore, in other words, go in

Speaker1: [00:19:42.62] My disciples

Speaker2: [00:19:44.06] And make disciples baptize in the name of father, son and Holy Spirit and commanding them to do all I’ve commanded you to do. Teach them to do all I’ve come in. So one of the things that he’s commanded is he’s saying, Go do my work and I’ve given you all of my authority to do my work. Ok, so so he’s transferred his authority to us just in that in that one passage alone. And so faith is the key to walking in the authority that he’s given us. Ok? And we started to learn as well that faith can grow. Couple of sessions back, we found in a session on Jesus model’s faith. We found that when he would rebuke his disciples. It was about faith, it was always because of their little faith. You remember that?

Speaker1: [00:20:34.69] Yes, yep.

Speaker2: [00:20:36.01] So if there’s little faith, any rebukes them for that, then that means that they could have had bigger faith, right? Yes. So what we learned from that is that faith can grow from little to big. Yes, the bigger your faith, the more of the authority that’s been given you that you actually can walk in.

Speaker1: [00:20:58.30] Hmm.

Speaker2: [00:20:59.08] Is this making sense?

Speaker1: [00:21:00.25] It is. Yeah, OK.

Speaker2: [00:21:02.11] And so that faith comes from knowing God’s truth and understanding that that’s kind of where it comes from, and it’s at a very rudimentary level. It’s a deep knowing. You just know God’s truth. Absolutely. And it’s similar to gravity we talked about, you know, I put my cell phone down on a table. I don’t have to think about it. I don’t have to. I don’t have to pierce it with my piercing eyes and say, Stay there, I can. You know, I just know it’s a fact. It’s just going to stay there. That’s what faith is and faith, because that is devoid of emotion. There’s no emotion tied into faith. Faith is a truth. It’s understanding a truth, and there’s no emotion to it. So one of the things that we can start to see is when you strive to believe by faith, you’ve already lost it. Hmm. Because striving is an emotion. It’s from your own will to want to believe. And once you do that, you’ve already lost whatever faith there was on that. So now let me from there, I want to bring it now down one final step. I want to look at this at ground level. Ok. Ok. And life application. How do we see this faith started to be played out in real life so we can go back to the biblical example, which is my favorite example of faith, which is Peter walking on the water because here’s what I want you to see you in this.

Speaker2: [00:22:32.21] And then every example that we see in life today is in the identical circumstance doing the identical activity. With faith, you get a miraculous outcome without faith, you get a natural, consequential outcome. So setting the stage, Jesus is walking on the water. The disciples in the boat scream out they think is a ghost. And Jesus says, Take courage. It’s only me. Hmm, OK. Now Jesus was doing this to show them something about faith. We know that because as we talked last time or time before last, there’s a little passage there that says four they were astounded for. They did not understand about the loaves. So all of these really major miraculous things that Jesus does. He’s using them. In addition, to confirm he’s the messiah, he’s also using them to teach us what faith looks like because he’s modeling what faith can do because he’s acting. This is what we concluded from time before last that Jesus, when he’s doing these things, he’s walking in his position as a man with perfect faith in the authority that he carries in his position as God. So he’s not walking on the water simply because, quote unquote, he’s God. He’s walking on the water because of his authority. But he’s doing it as a man with faith in that authority and. Watch this When Peter says will command me to come out to you and walk on the water with you? What does Jesus say? Do you remember?

Speaker1: [00:24:21.59] He says to come right?

Speaker2: [00:24:23.92] Yeah, exactly. So now we have Jesus commands Peter and inferred within that command is the transference of the authority to do what’s been commanded. We know that is true because Peter steps out of the boat and starts to walk on the water. Proving, again, that Jesus is doing it in his position as man and is now extending that same authority for Peter to do it as a man as well. But then something happens and do you remember what happens?

Speaker1: [00:25:01.04] Peter takes his eyes off.

Speaker2: [00:25:02.36] Jesus takes his eyes off Jesus. And where does he put his eyes?

Speaker1: [00:25:07.34] He puts his eyes on the water, which is rough. Yeah.

Speaker2: [00:25:11.87] Waves on the water and waves. It’s technically, he says, on the wind. But we know that you can’t see when. So what he’s seen is the spray of the water and all of the surrounding. Ok, so here’s what happens. Peter takes his spiritual eyes off of God’s truth. And closes the spiritual eyes and opens up his naturalize onto man’s circumstance, so he loses the perspective of God that we get with our spiritual eyes. And instead he gets the perspective of men that we get with the naturalize. And as soon as he changes his perspective, all authority to walk on the water ceased any sunk.

Speaker1: [00:25:54.39] Do you see that? Yes. Yeah.

Speaker2: [00:25:56.66] So it goes back to the spiritual eyes of your heart versus the naturalize of your head. And this is why I was saying earlier, when you want something so bad, you will lose your faith. Because what happened when Paul, when Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and used his naturalize onto his natural instantly, he feared what he wanted was to walk on the water. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t conjure up enough belief in his natural mind to ever make that happen because the authority is in the spirit realm. So we see the same pattern with even people praying for healing. There are people who want so much to see God do miracles through them and they hear these stories, so they go out and believe in their mind because they really want to see it underscore, really want. That’s emotion. They really want to see God work, so they go out and they’ll put their hands on someone’s eye. They’ll pray. I be opened up and pain get out and nothing happens. I can go and pray and do the exact same motion with the exact same person and God will heal. And the difference is not the activity of what you do, but the belief in which you do it. The first group, they have a belief in their head.

Speaker1: [00:27:30.81] Yes.

Speaker2: [00:27:31.59] Yeah. The second group has a belief in their heart. Ok. And so what we find is this is all about the heart belief, and last time we talked about these two stories of. The family in the church with a diabetic son, and they they wanted to believe so much watch this that they chose to believe that God would heal their son. Any time you choose to believe, that’s not faith. We also talked last time, I think it was last time about some teenage girls on a mission trip and there was a raging river that they needed to cross to get to a tribe that they wanted to evangelize. So they said, Well, let’s let’s believe in faith that God will part the river just like he did the Jordan River when the Israelites went across the Promised Land. So they prayed, and they believe that God would do that. So they stepped into the river on what they thought was faith. And they were swept downstream and drowned because they chose to believe so. In both cases, they chose to believe. But with faith, you cannot choose to believe this is kind of the thing I want to really underscore to walk in greater faith. You cannot choose to believe to be in greater faith. So with that, I want to talk about what does walking in greater faith actually look like then? And then we’re going to talk about how do you get there, OK? Yeah. So I want to share a couple more stories because I think teaching through stories now now that we’ve got this foundation laid. We know that we can start to see a lot of this through these stories and really just make a lot of great sense, so I want to share something from a minister named Chuck. And he’s on a mission trip, you’ll hear. And rather than reading the transcript, I actually have this on an audio recording. So with your permission, I like to just let Chuck share the story himself because it’s pretty dramatic. You want to hear it? Yeah, that’d be great. Okay, here we go.

Speaker3: [00:29:47.13] They tell you about supernaturally multiplying money, how would you like to know? Idaho and Hawaii, we say Idaho. It means Hannah is work and home is again. Do it again is basically what it means. I know. So I was on a ministry trip and and I needed a thousand dollars to finish it, and I had a bunch of $100 bills in my pocket. And so I pulled out the envelope and gave it to the guy next to me. I’m driving and I said, Count these, we need. We need 10 of them. We need $1000. And so he counts them in their eight. He said, no, no, no, we need 10. So he can’t them again, and he said, no, there’s eight, I go, No, no, no. You need 10. Kind of against. He pulls them all apart. They’re eight. Four times he counts them and they’re eight. And I go, No, no, no. Count them again. So he counts them again. The fifth time they were 10. Ho, why would he do that? I don’t know. Because he can.

Speaker2: [00:30:53.20] Isn’t that

Speaker1: [00:30:53.50] Cool? That’s so great. I love

Speaker2: [00:30:55.99] That. I do, too. So I got a question for you. Okay. Do you think that there are actually 10 $100 bills in his pocket when he gave it to his passenger? And the passenger who was counting them literally missed those extra two, each of those four attempts, or do you think God miraculously created two more $100 bills on that fifth attempt?

Speaker1: [00:31:23.53] I think he miraculously created two more.

Speaker2: [00:31:26.53] Mm hmm. So here’s what we have, and I want to kind of underscore there’s a couple two things to learn from this. Number one, did Chuck believe that God would provide the $1000? Could you tell that there is any confidence in him that he actually believed God would do it?

Speaker1: [00:31:42.85] Oh, 100 percent percent.

Speaker2: [00:31:45.40] Ok, so so you see this confidence and you’re going to see these two truths come out. I’m going to share four testimonies, two truths and each of these stories. Truth number one is they actually believe it. And you can tell they believe it because of the level of confidence. Ok, and it wasn’t striving, it wasn’t, oh my gosh, you know, we got to have a thousand dollars. Oh, let’s just pray. It wasn’t that it was. No, no, no, no. Count again. We need a thousand, OK? There is no striving in it. The second thing is he was on a mission trip. Does that mean that he was out doing what the Lord had commanded him?

Speaker1: [00:32:24.66] Yes.

Speaker2: [00:32:26.07] And if the Lord commands you, does the Lord give you the authority to fulfill that for which he’s commanded you to do?

Speaker1: [00:32:32.64] He absolutely does. Yeah.

Speaker2: [00:32:34.47] So here we have faith as in the authority that’s been granted. So if if Trump wanted us to buy a toy of some sort that costs a thousand bucks, you only had 800. I don’t think he would multiply. I don’t think God would multiply another $200 to buy a toy. But he’s doing the Lord’s work. Yes. Ok. And also, I want to make this comment. There’s different forms of faith. I don’t understand this, but I want to clarify one thing the faith to believe in Jesus and have eternal life is 100 percent secure. You can never lose that faith, but the faith to act in the authority you’ve been given to do the work that God has called you to. You can lose that faith. That’s what we saw with Peter. He lost his faith walking on the water because he closed his spiritual eyes and openness. Naturalized.

Speaker1: [00:33:28.86] Mm hmm.

Speaker2: [00:33:29.52] But he could not and cannot lose the faith to believe in Jesus. So I don’t want people to take this and say, Oh, you know, maybe I can lose my faith in salvation. No, you can’t. That’s a it’s a different type of faith, a different role of faith. I don’t understand it. So everything I’m talking about in this session and what we’ve been talking about here is this the faith in the authority that we’ve been granted, which is a different part of faith and faith for like salvation? Is that does that make sense?

Speaker1: [00:33:57.15] Yes, absolutely.

Speaker2: [00:33:58.62] Ok, so now I want to share another story on this. What faith looks like. So we’ve spoken in the past about a guy named George Mueller and George Mueller for those who don’t know. He was a great man of God in the 1800s into the early to mid-1900s. He was from England. He did a lot of work with Walking by Faith, built up a huge orphanage. And I want to read an account. Toward the end of George’s life, and this is when he is crossing over the Atlantic, from England to North America on a speaking engagement, and this is a first hand account related by the captain of the ocean liner. Ok, so are you ready?

Speaker1: [00:34:43.87] I am.

Speaker2: [00:34:44.89] So this is the captain speaking and sharing this with another passenger. He said The last time I crossed here five weeks ago, one of the most extraordinary things happened that has revolutionized my Christian life. Up to that time, I was an ordinary Christian. We had a man and God on board named George Miller of Bristol, England, and we’ve been standing idle and unable to navigate in a dense, heavy fog where you couldn’t even see 100 yards in front of you. So just kind of pulling out. So what happens back in that time? They did not have radar on their ships, so if they hit a fog bank, they would literally have to stop because they would run the risk of running into something and sinking. So when that happens, they put the engines in neutral and these fog banks would last for weeks. So, so that’s what what this captain is talking about, he said. And where you couldn’t even see 100 yards in front of you. He said I’ve been on that bridge for 22 hours since it started and never left. And then I was startled by someone tapping me on the shoulder. I turned around and it was George Miller captain. He said, I must be in Quebec on Saturday afternoon and this was Wednesday. It’s impossible. I said I’ve been in fog like this before and it can last two weeks or more. It just started. It will be impossible to get you there by Saturday. Hmm. Very well, George said. If your ship can’t get me there, then God will find some other means to get me there. I’ve never broken an engagement in 57 years, so now we see this confidence coming out of what God will do. Do you see that?

Speaker1: [00:36:23.59] Yes.

Speaker2: [00:36:24.61] Okay. Keep in mind also, he’s on a mission trip, so he knows that he has the authority to accomplish the work the Lord called him to do. And then the captain says, Well, I would willingly help you. How can I? I’m helpless. So George says, Well, let us go down to the chart room and pray. I looked at him and thought to myself, What lunatic asylum could this guy come from? I never heard of such a thing. Mr. Mueller, I said, Do you know how dense the fog is? No, he replied. My eye is not on the density of the fog, but on the living God who controls every circumstance of my life. Let me rephrase this a little bit using the story we just did from Peter. My natural eye is not on the density of the fog, but my spiritual eye is on the living God who controls every circumstance in my life. Do you see the difference kind of where I’m going? Ok, yeah. So then the captain continues with this story, he says. So when we got to the chart room, he got down on his knees and prayed one of the most simple prayers I’ve ever heard. I mutter to myself, that sounds like an eight year old’s prayer. The burden of this prayer was something like this. Oh Lord, if it is consistent with your will, please remove this fog in five minutes. You know the engagement you have made for me in Quebec on Saturday? I believe it is your will.

Speaker2: [00:37:50.32] So here we have that confidence and the authority. And when he finished praying, I was going to pray, but he put his hand on my shoulder and told me not to pray. He said First, you do not believe that he will. And second, I believe he has, and there is no need, whatever for you to pray about it. I looked at him and George Miller said, Captain, I have known my lord for 47 years and there has never been a single day that I failed to gain an audience with the king. Get up captain and open the door and you will find the fog is gone. So guess what happened? The fog was gone. Yeah, he said. I got up and the fog was gone. So here we had the application. George understood the father’s will. He understood his truth and therefore his eyes were on God’s truth of accomplishing the work he called George to do. Not on the circumstance. And that’s why that happened. So there’s another truth about faith that’s really interesting that I want to share. Faith operates outside of time. And to prove this, I want to share a couple of stories, but I want to show you scripturally where it starts to talk about this. So can you open your Bible to First Corinthians 13 13?

Speaker1: [00:39:16.06] Yes. Let’s see. Ok. First Corinthians 13, verse 13 reads. So now faith, hope and love abide these three. But the greatest of these is love.

Speaker2: [00:39:34.46] Ok, so let’s first. So says faith. Hope in love. Abide. What does abide mean?

Speaker1: [00:39:41.72] To abide means to me to, like stay. I think of like a but it’s more than a stay. It’s almost like this is going to be cheesy, but I’m thinking of in the Bible. The grapes are attached to the vine and there that’s where they’re supposed to be like, that’s their position is that they are attached to the vine until someone comes and pulls them off. That’s where they’re stuck, so to speak. So to me, when I think of abide, I think of like a grape on a vine.

Speaker2: [00:40:17.59] Okay, now, by the way, that’s not cheesy. You forgot. Well, that’s whiney. Because if you use wine and cheese that you go, Yeah, you got the wrong, wrong food together, right?

Speaker1: [00:40:30.41] Wrong food, right?

Speaker2: [00:40:33.20] All right. So abide is that. But I think it goes a lot deeper. Abide is is an eternal existence. Ok. The biblical form of a. So watch this. Faith, hope and love are actually all parts of God himself. They’re not part of the created order. Hmm. Love comes from God. God is love, right? Yeah. Faith comes from God. As we talked in the last session, have the faith of God in you. Faith exudes from God, from his word, from his truth and hope is the confident assurance of those things assured to come. And you have hope through faith. So all of these are actually parts of God. There are attributes of God, elements of God, but I’m not sure what their correct term, but they all emanate from God. And what this is saying is that faith is eternal, and if it’s eternal, it exists outside of time. And if it exists outside of time, then that means it’s not constrained by time. Think about this, OK, just to kind of put some, some further meat on this. Faith causes things to occur that are outside of the natural physical world order. When I prayed for that person with glaucoma and it was instantly healed, that’s outside of the physical order of the world. Something happened totally supernatural. So faith is not only supernatural, but it exists outside of time. And so let me share a couple of stories to illustrate this. Can I

Speaker1: [00:42:19.49] Do that? Yes, please. Okay.

Speaker2: [00:42:22.37] So one of my favorite stories is from a missionary in the equatorial jungles of Africa, and this is the story the hot water bottle. And so I’ll just read what she wrote about this. She said one night I worked hard to help a mother in the labor ward, but in spite of all that we did, she died, leaving a tiny, premature baby and a crying two year old daughter. And since we had no incubator nor any electricity to run one, even if we had it, we were going to have a difficult time keeping that baby alive. We also had no special feeding facilities, and although we lived on the equator, nights are often chilly and had treacherous drafts. So one student midwife went to get the cotton wool that the baby would be wrapped in, and another one went to stoke with the fire and fill a hot water bottle. But she came back shortly and distressed, saying that in filling the bottle, it had burst because rubber perish as easily in the tropical climates. And it’s our last hot water bottle, she cried. Well, since there are no drugstores in the forest to get a new one, you just have to make do with what you have. All right, I said, put the baby as near the fires. You can safely, safely can and sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from the drafts. Your job is to keep the baby warm. And then the next day at noon, as I did most days, I went to pray with the orphanage children who wanted to gather with me, and I gave them very suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby.

Speaker2: [00:43:52.43] I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm, mentioning the hot water bottle, and that the baby could easily die if it got chills. Also, tell them about the two year old sister crying because her mother had died well during prayer time. One of our 10 year old girls, Ruth, prayed with the usual bluntness of our African children. Please God, she prayed. Send us a water bottle. It’ll be no good tomorrow, God, as this baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon. So then, while I gasp inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added. And while you’re at it, would you please send a dolly for the little girl so she’ll know that you really love her and as often with children’s prayers? I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say amen? I just did not believe that God could do this. Oh yes, I know that he can do anything. The Bible says so. But there are limits aren’t there. And I want to pull out and just make an aside. I think this this same attitude is what hits in and paralyzes most Christians in walking by faith because they say, I know God can do it, but their limits aren’t there. That’s kind of what we talked about on the last session where we say, when Jesus says all things are possible, you mean walking on the Moon? Surely there are limits.

Speaker2: [00:45:15.76] And that’s what this missionary is running into. So let me jump back into the dialog here, but there are limits, aren’t there? The only way God could answer this prayer would be by sending me a package from home. I’ve been in Africa for almost four years at that time and had never, ever received a package from home. Anyway, if anyone did send me a package who would put in a hot water bottle, I lived on the equator. Okay, but then halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurse’s training school, I got a message that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there on the veranda was a large 22 pound package. I felt tears trickling in my eyes. I could not open it alone, so I went for the orphanage children. Together, we pulled off the string, carefully undoing. Each night, we folded the paper, taking care not to tear it. An excitement was mounting. Some 30 or 40 pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box from the top. I lifted out brightly colored jerseys and the eyes sparkled as I gave them out. Then there are the knitting knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored.

Speaker1: [00:46:26.77] Mm-hmm.

Speaker2: [00:46:27.58] Yeah. Then came a bag of mixed raisins and fruit that would make a batch of bread for the weekend. And then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the could it really be? I grasp it and pulled it out. Yes. A brand new rubber hot water bottle? I cried. I had not asked God to send it. I had not truly believed he could. Ruth was in the front row. The children, she rushed forward, crying out. If God has sent a water bottle, he must have sent the dolly to so rummaging down to the bottom of the box. She pulled out the small, beautifully dressed dolly. Her eyes shown she had never doubted. Looking up at me, she asked, Can I go with you to give this dolly to the little girl so she’ll know that Jesus really loves her? Yeah, that package had been on the way for five whole months, packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God’s, prompting to send a hot water bottle even to the equator. And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child five months before. In answer to the believing prayer of a 10 year old to bring it that afternoon and that cool,

Speaker1: [00:47:44.35] Yeah, that’s awesome.

Speaker2: [00:47:46.51] So this shows the power of faith believing in your heart, not in your mind. Yeah, that’s what happened with Ruth. The little girl. But it also shows that faith operates outside of time. So that package was in root five months before the girl prayed. Yeah, so I’ve got a question. There’s only two options on this. Either God prompted the girl to pray because the package was already in route, or God prompted the package to be in route because the girl prayed five months later. Which do you think is the most likely scenario that God prompt her to pray because it was already in route? Or did God cause it to be in route because five months later, she prayed by faith? Hmm. Can I make a suggestion?

Speaker1: [00:48:45.16] Yes. Mm hmm.

Speaker2: [00:48:47.86] If God prompted the girl to pray because the package was already in route five months earlier, then God would be deceiving that girl and other believers by making them think it was their faith that caused it to arrive rather than what it actually was. God was going to do it anyway, because think about this, this is why I call it deception. If the package of which was already in route, would it it would it have arrived, whether the little girl prayed for it or not?

Speaker1: [00:49:25.57] Yes. Ok.

Speaker2: [00:49:28.21] When Jesus says all things are possible, if you pray and believe in your heart. Then. Would this be a deceptive story if God simply prompted the girl to pray for it because God was going to do it anyway? Perhaps, perhaps. Ok, fair enough. But if Jesus says all things are possible to one who believes, pray believing you’ve received it and then it shall be yours. Did the little girl pray, believing that she had already received it, believing that God would do it?

Speaker1: [00:50:10.59] Yes.

Speaker2: [00:50:11.79] And then did it happen?

Speaker1: [00:50:14.43] Yes.

Speaker2: [00:50:15.54] So if she did not pray and believe, would she still have received it?

Speaker1: [00:50:23.74] Hmm.

Speaker2: [00:50:25.96] Ok.

Speaker1: [00:50:26.39] So the trick question.

Speaker2: [00:50:28.39] Well, it’s kind of a trick question, it’s one of those that that’s not as easy to answer. You know, there’s not clear scripture on it.

Speaker1: [00:50:36.61] I think it’s a trick question because I already know it’s in the box, right? Ok. Maybe it’s like maybe if you had asked me that prior to telling me the ending of the story, I might have had a different answer. But knowing that it was already in the box leads me to believe. Regardless of she prayed or not, it would have showed up because it was already in the box.

Speaker2: [00:50:59.13] Perfect. Ok, so let me give. So is is doing something outside of time any more difficult to God than doing something inside of time? No. Ok. When I prayed for Edward with glaucoma and his, I was instantly healed or I prayed for the other lady in the scooter and her knee was instantly healed. Had someone who did not believe by faith prayed for them, would that I have been instantly healed anyway?

Speaker1: [00:51:37.19] Hmm.

Speaker2: [00:51:38.85] In other words, was it simply anyone praying? And it was just God’s sovereign timing that at that moment he was going to heal the eye. And I just happened to be there. And so he said, Beatty go walk up to that person and pray because I’m going to heal the eye anyway. Or was it my faith when I prayed that caused the eye to be healed?

Speaker1: [00:52:00.25] I think it was your faith. Yeah.

Speaker2: [00:52:02.73] When the lady with a flow of blood in our first session came up and touch the fringe of Jesus’s garment and and she was healed, was she just going to be healed anyway, even if she stayed home? Or was it her act of faith that healed her?

Speaker1: [00:52:18.09] It was her act of faith.

Speaker2: [00:52:19.32] Yeah, and we know that because Jesus said, Your faith has made you well.

Speaker1: [00:52:22.62] Yes.

Speaker2: [00:52:24.00] So then back to this. Was it race faith that caused that box to be there? Or did she simply pray because God was going to do it anyway?

Speaker1: [00:52:40.31] I think oh,

Speaker2: [00:52:43.19] Ok, so so now I know why you’re I know, I know the conundrum, so let me see if I can articulate this. Okay, because it was in route five months earlier, it’s harder to believe that it was her faith that did it. Than it is to believe that it’s the faith of the woman touching Jesus fringe that caused her her body to be healed, or that was my faith. Praying for an eye that caused it to be healed. It’s easier to believe those things that happen within time. But once we put the extra element of outside of time, it’s harder to believe it because our natural mind says logically well, it’s already been in root. Yeah, but our natural mind that says in Romans eight, that the mind on the flesh, which is the natural, is that opposition to God and can never please God.

Speaker1: [00:53:35.04] Hmm.

Speaker2: [00:53:36.51] That it only is in the spirit that we please God, and in the spirit, it’s supernatural and it’s not our supernatural, it’s God’s supernatural working through us. So I would like to propose. That. God was not deceiving us by making us believe it was her faith that caused the package to arrive when it would have arrived anyway. I would propose that the more biblical answer tying into all the things we’ve talked about is that faith actually can do the impossible because faith taps into the heart of God and the spirit does the impossible. Mm hmm. Just like when Adam and Eve were created, they were created as a brand new person, not as an embryo. They were already adults. Is it any harder to create a man as a brand new person than it is to create a box full of goodies that ostensibly came from someone five months ago? I mean, the Holy Spirit could have just caused it to materialize. Would we have any harder idea if if the little girl said, Lord, we need a we need a hot water bottle? And then they went scrounging through an old rubbish pile and they found a hot water bottle. Is it any harder to believe that that the Holy Spirit materialize out of nothing that hot water bottle than it is to believe that the Holy Spirit materialized? This box, either through natural means five months earlier or supernatural means just like that, just like with Chuck with $100 bills.

Speaker2: [00:55:19.41] So I think the thing we want to be careful of, and this is why I’m excited with this, as you can tell, is it’s another element of faith that we never think about. But what’s the impact? Let me share another story. Ok, we’re running out of time, I know, but I’m getting close to finishing. Saw another story back to George Mueller. This is this is a story when George was early on in the orphanage long before he had 20000 orphans. This time, he probably had less than 100 would be my guess. And I’m just going to read this because it says it all. So one morning, all the plates and cups and bowls on the table were empty. There is no food in the pantry and no money to buy food. The children were standing waiting for breakfast when Mueller said, children, we must be in time for school, then lifting up his hand to pray. Dear father, we thank you for what you’re going to give us to eat so back to. Can you tell there’s a confidence and an expectation? Ok?

Speaker1: [00:56:19.81] Yes. Yeah. All right.

Speaker2: [00:56:21.30] And his Lord’s will was the orphanage and the Lord said, I’ll provide for your means. So here is the authority to ask for it as well.

Speaker1: [00:56:30.24] Mm hmm.

Speaker2: [00:56:31.59] So there was a knock at the door and the baker stood there and said, Mr. Mueller, I couldn’t sleep last night. Somehow I felt you didn’t have bread for breakfast and the Lord wanted me to send you some. So I got up at two o’clock this morning and baked some fresh bread, and it brought it. Miss me, Mr. Mueller thanked the baker, and no sooner had he left when there was a second knock at the door. It was the milk man. He said that his milk card had broken down right in front of the orphanage, and he would like to give the children his cans of fresh milk so he could empty his wagon and repair it. So now we’re back to the same question. Both a baker and a milkman were in route before George prayed, so either God prompted George to pray. Because they were already in route, and now it would appear to be George’s faith that did it when it would have arrived anyway or. Because George prayed that morning, God outside of time, knew that prayer, responded to that prayer and caused hours earlier the milkman and the baker to be in route.

Speaker1: [00:57:42.03] Yes, I think that’s what happened.

Speaker2: [00:57:43.80] Yeah, I think so, too. So now we start to see this. I want to share one other story. This is third party. I don’t have any validation. But there is another minister that was sharing of an account of a group of people praying for a healing of hospital patients. So here’s the storyline. Ok. And I’ve tried to get the documentation on this, and I can’t find the research. That doesn’t mean it’s not there. But what it does mean is take this for what it is. So there is a group of patients. They took about a thousand patients, if I recall correctly, from a hospital rolls and they distributed them out in just random order among two groups of people to pray. One group, they said, pray for healing only. And then the other group saying, Pray for healing with love in your heart for that person. Ok, so love is of God. And what they found was really interesting. Statistically, there was a statistically significant increase in the speed and recovery of those speed of healing for that group that was prayed for by the people who prayed with love in their heart. So this shows that when we act with love for that person, there’s a lot more faith maybe that comes through. I’m not sure. But what’s also interesting is the group of patients that they were praying for were in the hospital 10 years earlier.

Speaker2: [00:59:16.86] So watch this Assuming that test was correct and that this data is correct, that means that the prayers of faithful people 10 years later impacted the healing of people who were sick 10 years earlier. But if faith truly is outside a time which First Corinthians 13 tells us, then it means that our prayers have impact beyond the realm of time. So this is why people can pray for Lord. We need money to finish paying our bills. I got to have $2000 for this thing that this big mission project you’re calling us to do just isn’t going to happen. And that day they get a check in the mail for $2000. I mean, we’ve heard those type of stories all the time. So the question is, did the check arrive because of their faith? Which means that their faith today cause something to get in action. Weeks earlier? Or was that check going to arrive anyway? And now they’re deceived that they thought it was their faith, but it’s really it was just going to arrive anyway. Ok, so that’s why I say I don’t think it’s that deception. I think that what we’re seeing is that faith operates outside of time.

Speaker1: [01:00:35.36] Yeah.

Speaker2: [01:00:35.90] So now wrapping up, I want to talk about how do you get there? Ok, so now we’ve we kind of taught through these stories, how do we walk in greater faith? And what I’ve learned is walking in faith is like growing corn. And what I mean by that is you have no direct control over growing corn. And you have no direct control over how much harvest you get. I don’t know if you thought about it, but think about it. You have no direct control. What does the Bible say? The harvest belongs to the Lord, right?

Speaker1: [01:01:12.78] Yes.

Speaker2: [01:01:14.10] But you do have control over things that influence it. You have you control control over how well you plow the field, how well you irrigate it, how well you fertilize it. But you have no, you have well, you have all the control over the external factors. You have no control over the direct factor of the corn itself and walking in greater faith assembler. We have no direct control over the size of our faith. We cannot simply choose to have faith or choose to have more faith. But what we do have control over are the external factors that influence it. And what I’ve come to learn is there are three major factors, and I like to share the three steps of walking in greater faith. I don’t want to put it God’s word into a process, but essentially that’s what what I’ve learned to be. Okay, so the first step is you have to encounter God’s truth at a deeper level.

Speaker1: [01:02:15.15] Mm-hmm.

Speaker2: [01:02:16.89] The way you encounter God’s truth is by studying his word and seeing what it actually says. And by pursuing a deeper relationship with the father so you more deeply and intimately understand his heart. Ok? Because they go go hand in hand, because his truth is his heart and his heart is his truth. And once you do that, then what that does is you believe in faith. And you believe in faith because you start to understand by faith, you know, Hebrews 11 three says by faith, we understand. And once we understand Hebrews 11:1, that faith is the confident assurance of those things that have already been assured. All right. So that’s the first step is encounter his truth at a deeper level. The second step is you have to exercise your faith. Now you used to be or are you a personal trainer? Am I remembering

Speaker1: [01:03:15.34] Correctly? I still am. Yes.

Speaker2: [01:03:17.02] Ok, so if I wanted to grow muscles, can I just sit on the sofa and eat protein bars and my muscles will grow, you know? So I got to exercise them if I want them to grow? That’s right. Ok, so the same thing happens with faith, right? To exercise. Faith is once you, you encounter God’s word in this truth and you believe it, then you go out and exercise it and you test it. And as you see God, work through your faith. Usually, when you first started, it’s going to be just little bits and pieces here and there, but you start to see a pattern. So then you keep doing it more. And the more you do it, the more you believe it. Because the more you see God do it and the more you see him do it, the more you believe it to do even more. Ok? It’s when you get that cycle. Let me give you a hint. We talked about this last time. I think start small. Ok, if you can only lift 100 pounds, don’t say I have faith to lift 1500 pounds. Are you going to hurt yourself? Right? That’s right. Start small and work up to it. And then the final thing to grow your face, so you you encounter God’s truth. And then you exercise your faith and then you grow it and to grow it. I want to share what Jesus said. Ok, so I want to have you turn to mark, excuse me. Matthew 17:20. And as you get there, I’m going to give you this the back story. So the back story Jesus had just come down from the mount of transfiguration. He’s with Peter, James and John. I believe there’s a commotion down there. He says, What’s going on there? There’s a father with a son who’s mute and a demon puts him into these epileptic type seizures. And he says, your disciples couldn’t cast it out. So Jesus rebukes his disciples. He cast out the demon and as they’re walking away later, his disciples say, Why could we not do it? And now we’re going to pick up with what Jesus, says Matthew, 17 20.

Speaker1: [01:05:16.05] He said to them, Because of your little faith for truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you.

Speaker2: [01:05:32.02] Oh, so now he rebukes them for a little faith, and then he starts to say that nothing is impossible with faith. Nothing, even if your little girl and you need a package that takes five months to get there, nothing is impossible. Ok, so now let’s look at the at a companion description of the same thing go to Mark 09:29 So this is the same situation they’ve just asked him. And now we get a slightly different response from Mark’s perspective.

Speaker1: [01:06:05.10] Ok, Mark nine verse twenty nine. Reads and he said to them, this kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer, right?

Speaker2: [01:06:17.00] And if you look at a little footnote, it probably and says some manuscripts also include and fasting. All right. And I believe that prayer and fasting definitely go together. So what this is saying, what Jesus is saying is you have little faith, but if you want to grow your faith, it takes prayer and fasting. So what we see spiritually is that the way you grow your faith is through prayer and fasting. You remember I was sharing it the first of this call. I went out one day and I saw just, you know, two and three times the number of miraculous healings and more powerful. And one of the things I did was when I would pray for it, I would stop concentrating on praying. I would just I would just pray for it, but be totally oblivious and looking away and just watching a bird or other people walk around. You remember that?

Speaker1: [01:07:05.96] Yes, I do. Okay.

Speaker2: [01:07:08.54] There was one more thing I did. It was the first time I did it. And it was so that was a Saturday after Saturday morning afternoon when I was doing that. I had been fasting since the previous Thursday night so that somewhere between 36 and 40 hours and I had spent the day before Friday as my day of prayer. So I had just come through 40 hours of prayer and fasting and woosh. I was so I was so surprised me, you know, I analyze everything if you haven’t figured that out. I took notes. I said, Oh my gosh, what just happened? Here’s what’s changed. Ok. And ever since then, I now fast starting Thursday night before I go out and pray for people and I just see tremendous stuff. So wrapping up, how do you walk in greater faith? It’s a three step process. Encounter God’s truth. More deeply. Study has worked all the time. Spend time and build that relationship with them all the time. Go out and exercise your faith and keep doing it and have a lifestyle of prayer and fasting. When you keep doing all three of those. You find that your faith continues to grow bigger and bigger, and you see more and more happen through it. So let me give you final thoughts and we’re going to wrap up. Faith alters physical circumstances, OK? These are like little bullet points. I wanted to tie all this final stuff. Faith alters physical circumstances because it operates in the spiritual realm and is tied to the authority of Christ.

Speaker2: [01:08:50.12] We therefore have access to the power of the Holy Spirit to work through us, just as it says that the Holy Spirit worked through Jesus. Ok. We see this when Peter walked on the water, Jesus multiplied loaves. All these are physical circumstances being altered. Chuck that minister multiplying $100 bills. The little girl Ruth, you know, with her faith for the hot water bottle in the dolly me. When I pray for people, these are all physical circumstances that are being altered. And what is interesting is when you walk by faith, the normal is not normal, OK, you’re not restrained by the limitations of the natural you operate outside of that natural realm. And the more you operate outside of the natural realm, the more anything truly is possible. And because faith alters the natural circumstances, all that happens because faith is the knowing of God’s truth and the authority that he’s given us. It comes from a hearing God’s word and understanding it and believing it. And when you believe it, then you get the supernatural coming through you. And because of that, because faith is the knowing of God’s truth, something really important. You cannot build your theology on your experience. You must build it on the word of God alone. God’s word is truth, it never changes, your experience is fickle. It changes all the time. Does that make sense?

Speaker1: [01:10:33.39] It does. Yeah, OK.

Speaker2: [01:10:34.92] And if you look at just my healing is just an example, know saying, Hey, let me give you a case study. There is a time I pray for people and nothing happened. If I base my theology on the experience, I say, God doesn’t do it. Then I started studying God’s word and believing it. And when I first started praying for people, God instantly started healing them at about one third. Complete healing, one third, partial healing, one third. Nothing happened. But then, as I continue to to exercise that and work at it today, I experience about 90 percent complete healing and 10 percent partial. So if I built my theology on my experience, it’d be all over the board. Ok? Because it consistently changes, but God’s word doesn’t. God’s truth doesn’t. And finally, because you cannot build your theology on your experience, but you must build it on God’s truth. Only that means that faith is not presumption. Faith is the knowing of God’s truth. It comes from him, presumption is the hoping of what God’s truth is and it comes from you. And faces of the heart presumption is of the mind, presumption is name it and claim it.

Speaker2: [01:12:02.46] And this is where everyone, most people really get it wrong. I hear this all the time. But, you know, we really believed in our heart. We believe that God would heal this person. We proclaim that God would heal it. And he died. And it just it just crushed my faith. How do I believe what the issue is? They had no faith. They never believed in their heart. The evidence of believing in your heart is the mountain moving. If what you’re believing in does not happen, the it’s the evidence, it’s evidence that you don’t believe in your heart, you might believe in your head, but not your heart. And in almost all of those naiman and claimant type of situations and almost all of those presumption situations that give, quote unquote faith a bad rap, it’s always something that we want so bad. We choose to believe it and think that we actually do. And which you do. You believe it in your head? But that’s only in the flesh. Faith is of the heart, which is in the spirit. And so faith is not presumption.

Speaker1: [01:13:12.01] All right. Well, Beatty, thank you so much. As always, we appreciate the time and effort that you put in to just teaching us all the things that we need to know about how to live a life of faith and actually apply that to our daily lives. We appreciate your efforts and I know we all. I speak for all of our listeners, but we look forward to having another chat again soon. And to all of you out there, if you have not subscribed, please do so and share with a friend. Feel free to share this podcast with a friend and you think it would encourage as well. And Beatty? Thank you very much. I look forward to our our next time.
