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Penny: [00:00:03.72] Well, welcome back, everyone, this is Penny, I’m so glad you’ve joined me again today for yet another session of Get Sellers Calling You and I am joined with my great friend again. Beatty Carmichael Beatty is the CEO of Master Grabber and the creator of Agent Dominator, one of the top marketing experts in the real estate field. Beatty Welcome.

Beatty: [00:00:24.54] Well, thank you. I’m glad to be here.

Penny: [00:00:27.51] Glad to have you. What do we have for our listeners today?

Beatty: [00:00:31.89] We have just a real exciting topic. This is going to be what we call our radical faith topic. And for those who are new to our podcast channel, we do two types of topics we do real estate marketing and then Bible teaching and Bible teaching is for Christians. And so I would encourage you to stay and listen if you have interest in that. But if you don’t have interest in Christian teaching, then feel free to skip this episode and come back for the next one.

Penny: [00:01:03.87] Awesome. Sounds great.

Beatty: [00:01:06.12] It does. And today I’m real excited because we’re going to get into some meat on some things we started talking about on our last radical faith session. And that is under the topic is the Sabbath for today. You know, as we talked last time, we find that people fall typically into two categories on this, and this is kind of almost one of those things, penny, that’s is contentious. It’s not quite as contentious as, you know, salvation by free will or God’s sovereign choice, which gets to be real contentious because there are there are real strong belief systems that say it can’t be this way. And I see that some in this topic of the Sabbath. And so that’s why I wanted to cover this, because I think it’s really cool what the Bible has to say. But there are two camps in this one camp typically says that we should honor the Sabbath because the Lord said so. And then there’s another camp that says, we don’t have to honor the Sabbath. It’s entirely up to us and how we feel in our heart, because the Sabbath was simply part of the old covenant and was only for a time. And now that the old covenants obsolete, then that makes the Sabbath obsolete as well. You do remember we talked about that a little bit last time, OK?

Penny: [00:02:32.37] Yes, I do.

Beatty: [00:02:33.81] And the question then is who is right? What does scripture actually say? So on our last session, we went through there in the in the camp of that, we don’t have to honor the Sabbath. It’s only something that we do if we want to, and sometimes we’re not even supposed to do it. There are basically four tenets that people talk about, and we looked at all the passages in the Bible that are tied to those one is that the Sabbath was actually a sign of the old covenant. Since the old covenant is gone, we don’t need to do the sign anymore. Another thing that is talked about a lot is that the old covenant is obsolete. Ok, Hebrews eight talks about Christ brings in the new covenant, and when a new comes, the old becomes obsolete and therefore we’re now under a new covenant. The old covenant tenants are no longer obligatory to us. And so we move on from there. Then we find another tenant and all these are kind of very similar. For the most part, they’re hitting the same topics, the same issues. And that’s what we find in this third one. Paul writes in Romans 14 and in Galatians four. Basically saying that we’re no longer under law, but under grace, he says that we’re to a same no day greater than another, and we’re no longer to observe special days. And he says even in fact, if you observe these special days and all of my labors been in vain, do you remember when we cover that last time?

Penny: [00:04:11.05] I do, yes.

Beatty: [00:04:12.88] And Paul is a huge proponent of and in fact, all of Romans is basically discussing the the central theme of We’re no longer under law. We’re under grace now. Grace is not simply do whatever you want and God forgives you. Grace is much bigger than that. But that’s kind of the general genre that most people put this topic in in terms of no longer under law, but under grace, which relates to the Sabbath. And then there’s a few people that adhere to what is mentioned in Hebrews four that we’re already in the Sabbath rest of God. What’s interesting? We’re going to bring this out probably in the next session. But you brought it up and that it really hasn’t applied yet. Ok. We’re not quite in the Sabbath. Rest of God is something that’s coming, not necessarily here. But I made a comment in our last session, and today I want to start backing up that comment. Now we’re going to test your recall. Do you remember the comment that I made that we’re now going to try to start backing up? Oh, no, I didn’t think so. But the comment was just it was a brief comment in passing, but it has deep significance. And that comment is that I suggested. That all of the interpretations that we went through in those four areas, all the passages and how those are being interpreted as relates to the Sabbath are wrong and they’re wrong because we’re taking only what I call a soundbite of scripture that we’re not looking at the scripture in context, either the scripture where those passages lie within context or the scripture as a whole.

Beatty: [00:06:07.39] And so what I want to do today is I want to start looking at the full context of scripture as it relates to what it’s talking about the Sabbath. And one of the things that we’re going to find in today’s call, it’s a minor thing, but it’s a significant thing as well. And how we interpret stuff is the Sabbath is actually used with multiple definitions. Sometimes the Sabbath is spoken of as a holy day, and sometimes it’s spoken of as the Sabbath regulations, OK, which is more part of the Jewish law, and we’re going to see that. But today I want to really kind of focus on the bigger picture and the bigger picture just kind of give you the cliff note version is that the Sabbath is integrally tied to how we honor and worship God. Hmm. And it’s not only how we honored and worship him in the Old Covenant in the Old Testament days, but even today we’re going to see this over these next several sessions that we do. And I think what’s happening a lot of times and I say this and this is kind of the one of the things that I wanted to do this call about. It’s called strongholds, and we’ve all heard about strongholds in our Christian life. You’ve heard that term, right?

Penny: [00:07:38.08] Yes. Yes. How?

Beatty: [00:07:39.37] How would you define a stronghold?

Penny: [00:07:43.68] Hmm.

Beatty: [00:07:45.74] I mean, we hear it all the time, but what is it really, does that make sense?

Penny: [00:07:51.61] It’s kind of hard to describe, but I would say it’s just something that is present in your life that’s keeping you from moving forward in the Lord.

Beatty: [00:08:03.10] Very good. Yeah. So to define it, maybe a little bit more. I mean, you’re perfect. I want to now get down a little bit deeper to understand what causes a stronghold. And I believe what causes a stronghold. Are deeply held beliefs that we hold on to. That are not scriptural and they keep us. In a state of disobedience before the Lord. So basically what you said, but the issue is it’s a deeply held belief and it’s a belief that we get either because we misunderstand God’s word. Or sometimes because we don’t like what it says and because we don’t like what it says, we refute it and we look for other passages. Sound bite type of passages that give us a reason to say, Well, see, it’s not really what it says over here is this little sound bite over here, and this is what I’m holding to. And so then we we have this, this nature of ourselves. That said, sometimes what God tells us to do interferes with how we want to live our life.

Penny: [00:09:13.00] Hmm. Does that make sense?

Beatty: [00:09:14.74] Yes, it interferes with how we feel. We ought to worship God because to worship in the way that he tells us to worship may not really fit in the light that we want to do. I’ll just share one stronghold that is really prevalent today, and that’s children’s sports. Hmm. Well, OK. Sports is very important. We want our children to succeed in sports. They’re very gifted in sports and yet sports requires today training and practice on Saturday and Sunday and interrupts our time with church, sometimes as we’re traveling because there’s going to different things on Sundays and it becomes it, it rules the day. And so then we look at the Sabbath and we say, Well, yeah, you know, it’s really not for you don’t have to honor the Sabbath today like they did in the Old Testament, because what’s happening is ultimately inside of ourselves. It’s interfering with what we want to do with our lives, so we start to explain it away and these are the things I call strongholds. It’s a misguided, deeply held belief or even sometimes gently held belief, but it’s a belief that we want to believe in. Because it. Seems to benefit the way we want to live our life. And and so I want to cover what scripture says and hopefully in a way that is unmistakable, that scripture is telling us something different than what we interpret some of these other passages.

Beatty: [00:10:49.61] We talked about last time where basically, Paul says, Hey, you know, do what’s what you purpose in your heart for from the heart comes in. And if you purpose that it’s okay to honor one day and esteem one day more than another, then do that in honor to the Lord. But if you don’t purpose it that way, then you don’t have to do it. We try to take that interpretation. And apply it something that the context of what that passage is not talking about. That’s what we’re going to see next time. But I’ve got a question for you. Ok. You know, I don’t. First off, I think I want to make clear, I don’t want to say we’re under law, OK? We are under grace. But I do want to come across that. The scripture clearly states that the Sabbath is most holy to God. And that he commands us to keep holy things holy, and it’s a part of our covenant. Those are the basically the three things we’re going to start covering its most holy. He commands us to keep things holy. And it’s a part of our covenant. So here’s the question I want to pose to you. If God considers something holy, does it matter if we feel in our heart that it’s not important to keep it holy? No, no, it doesn’t matter at all in our heart, right?

Penny: [00:12:18.14] Yes, that’s correct.

Beatty: [00:12:19.22] Is it optional for us to treat it? Holy. If he declares it holy.

Penny: [00:12:25.54] Yes, because we have a free will.

Beatty: [00:12:27.67] Okay. All right. Is it optional from God’s standpoint in terms of obeying God? No. Ok. If we don’t treat something as holy that he declares as holy, is that sin?

Penny: [00:12:44.79] Hmm. I think so.

Beatty: [00:12:47.19] Yeah, and why why is it sin?

Penny: [00:12:49.80] Because it would be disobedience.

Beatty: [00:12:51.96] Oh, there we go. It’s sin, because it’s disobedience, because he commands us to keep things holy. Does that make sense?

Penny: [00:12:59.25] Yes. Yeah, it does.

Beatty: [00:13:01.17] And does it matter? If he’s commanded that, we keep it holy. Does it matter that we are no longer under law but under grace in terms of keeping it holy or not? No, no, it really doesn’t. So with that said, I want to take a deeper look into the scripture on the Sabbath. Are you ready? I am. Ok, so let me give you the big picture of where we’re going. We’re going to first look at the Sabbath as being declared holy to the Lord. And what are the implications with that? Next, we’re going to look at the Sabbath as being part of the Ten Commandments. And what’s the implication with that? And finally, we’re going to look at the Sabbath as being part of our wedding vow with God because you know that we’re we’re a bride of Christ and any groom and bride have wedding vows, right?

Penny: [00:14:04.96] Yes.

Beatty: [00:14:05.83] So we’re going to look at the wedding vow that we have with Christ. And we’re going to say that the Sabbath is actually part of that wedding vow. It’s really kind of cool. All right. So let’s look first at the Sabbath as being holy. And I want you to turn to Genesis two versus one through three, and we’re going to do this in NIV Genesis two. The first three verses.

Penny: [00:14:35.03] All right, and Ivy. Ok, here we go. Thus, the heavens and the Earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day, God had finished the work. He had been doing so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it, he rested from all the work creating that he had done.

Beatty: [00:14:59.92] Very good, so this last sentence is really important. Then God blessed the seventh day. What does it mean when God blesses something? First off, is that good or bad? That’s good. Ok. If God bless is something, is it kind of good or really good?

Penny: [00:15:20.51] It’s really good. It’s like he puts his stamp of approval on it.

Beatty: [00:15:23.53] Yeah, it puts his stamp of approval. And I would say even his stamp of favor on it, right?

Penny: [00:15:29.10] Mm hmm. Yeah. Ok.

Beatty: [00:15:31.06] If God blesses your family. Is it merely that he approves your family or does he por favor into your family?

Penny: [00:15:40.32] Por favor,

Beatty: [00:15:41.34] Yeah. And is it if I’m one of your children, is it good to be part of your family if God is blessing it? Absolutely, yeah. Think about business for a moment, especially for our realtor friends out there. If God were to bless our Realtors business, what if I were to say, Oh God is blessing this person’s business in real estate? What comes to mind in terms of what that blessing manifests itself in the natural? What does that sound like?

Penny: [00:16:15.39] But. Promotion favor, success.

Beatty: [00:16:20.76] Yeah, probably a lot of business don’t have to work too much. Making a really good income, blessing their family, providing for all their needs and just really solid and stable. I mean, that’s kind of the way I would see if God blesses a business. Does that make sense?

Penny: [00:16:36.75] Absolutely.

Beatty: [00:16:38.01] So now let’s say that you are looking to be an employee, you’re looking for a job and you hire on to that business. That God is blessing. Do you then partake of those blessings with the business?

Penny: [00:16:56.31] Hmm. I think you could look at that two ways, depending on where you are in your spiritual journey. Ok.

Beatty: [00:17:06.45] Ok, so let’s look at this first just in the natural here. Here’s the question I’m asking Does a rising tide raise all boats, OK? In other words, if you join a business that God is blessing, is it likely you’re going to have a greater career, a more stable and fulfilling career than if you join a business that God has not blessed? Yes. Ok, OK, that’s kind of really where I’m going. So then if God blesses the seventh day? Do we also get to partake of those blessings that he has upon that seventh day?

Penny: [00:17:47.38] Yes.

Beatty: [00:17:48.25] Yeah. I think this is the first thing we can pull out of this passage. It says that then God blessed the seventh day did his if he blessed the seventh day. Was that only temporary for that moment? Or do you think it’s a blessing that continues?

Penny: [00:18:06.69] I think it continues.

Beatty: [00:18:08.04] Yeah, I would think it continues to. And so now we have something really special. God blesses the seventh day, and yet it seems like so many of us in Christendom look for ways to not have to honor it because we want to do our own thing since like, don’t you want to be a part of what God is blessing, you know? No, no, no. I want to go do this on this day. This is my only day that I can catch up on stuff. This is my only day. You know where I’m going. This is it becomes a catch up day as opposed to a holy day. Does that make sense?

Penny: [00:18:43.74] It does, yeah.

Beatty: [00:18:45.03] So that’s the first thing we get out of this passage that God blessed the seventh day. The second thing it says says, God bless the seventh day and made it holy. Holy, if you look at the Hebrew word for holy is defined as sacred and set apart.

Penny: [00:19:06.42] Hmm.

Beatty: [00:19:07.29] So what we find is not only as the seventh day being declared by God as holy. As being set apart to him, here’s the other thing. This is the first thing in all of scripture that’s declared holy. It’s number one. Now, would you imagine if God is writing his scriptures to us that he probably has a reason for this sequence in the order in which he shares things?

Penny: [00:19:38.70] Yes.

Beatty: [00:19:39.48] Yeah. And this is the very first thing that God calls holy now. He calls creation good. But it doesn’t call anything holy until the seventh day, does that seem to underscore maybe a level of importance about this seventh day that’s probably higher than all kinds of other things, he declares. Holy?

Penny: [00:20:01.80] Absolutely.

Beatty: [00:20:02.97] I would think so. So it says that then God bless the seventh day poured his favor on it. He made it holy, the first of all the things that are holy, and then it says he made it holy. Why? This is really important. God made it holy because

Penny: [00:20:26.81] He rested,

Beatty: [00:20:27.95] He rested from all of his work of creating that he had done so rested. The Hebrew word for rested is Chabert Sacha Boat Shabbat. And it means to desist from exertion, so basically it’s he’s been exerting effort energy to create the heavens in the Earth and get an everything going, he declares it all good and then he rests on the seventh day and because he rests, that’s why he declares that seventh day. Holy. Hmm. Okay. We see that the Seventh Day is something really special, very special to the Lord, and it’s something that I look and say why in the world would anyone want to avoid it to miss out on whatever it is that the Lord has for us with that seventh day? So the next passage I want to cover as we talk about this holy day of the Lord. Let’s move over to still in Ivy. Let’s move over to Exodus 16 versus 22 through 26. And the back story is you get there is God has just called Israel out of Egypt. They’ve gone through the Red Sea. They’re now on the other side and they’re hungry. And they’re saying, give us food, OK? So God is going to now send them food in the form of manna bread from heaven. I think men actually means what is it? Ok, so they call it, what is it? And that’s what we’re going to pick up on this verse. Starting versus 22 through 26.

Penny: [00:22:30.11] Okay. On the sixth day, they gathered twice as much to omers for each person, and the leaders of the community came and reported this to Moses. He said to them, this is what the Lord commanded. Tomorrow is to be a day of Sabbath. Rest a holy sabbath to the Lord. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil, save whatever is left and keep it until morning. So they saved it until morning as Moses commanded, and it did not stink or get maggots in it. Eat it today, Moses said, because today is a Sabbath to the Lord. You will not find any of it on the ground today. Six days, you are to gather it. But on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there will not be any.

Beatty: [00:23:17.59] All right, so got a question for you? Did the Lord just happen to do this for no real reason? Or do you think he’s trying to teach the children of Israel something?

Penny: [00:23:28.92] I think it’s a lesson.

Beatty: [00:23:30.36] Yeah. And what do you think that lesson might be?

Penny: [00:23:35.98] Obedience.

Beatty: [00:23:37.51] Obedience. Ok, very good. Everything he was teaching is, by the way, the number one thing we can do in our Christian walk is obedience. It’s always through disobedience that. Um, evil attacks, not persecution, but evil attacks tormenting screw ups, challenges in our relationship, it’s all stems from disobedience. But he’s teaching them something beyond just obedience. And what do you think the core message of this whole idea about Mana is? And let me let me kind of clarify the the pattern of the Mana. The Mana is they gathered each day and eat it, but they keep nothing until the next day. If they keep it till the next day, it’s rotten and stink and full of maggots and worms. But then on the sex on the sixth day, they actually gather twice as much, and they’re supposed to keep it to the next day and on the next day, it’s perfectly good. What do you think the Lord is trying to teach them through this pattern?

Penny: [00:24:44.84] Hmm. I would say rest.

Beatty: [00:24:49.76] Maybe, OK, rest. So let’s go to Jesus real quick. We’re not going to turn there. We’re just going to talk through it. The disciples said Lord John teaches his disciples how to pray. Can you teach us how to pray? And so the Lord says, yes, let me teach you how to pray. And do you remember what Jesus teaches? We call it the Lord’s Prayer. Do you remember how that goes?

Penny: [00:25:13.64] I do. Yeah.

Beatty: [00:25:14.81] All right. How does it go?

Penny: [00:25:17.00] Our father, who is in heaven. Holy is your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever.

Beatty: [00:25:38.73] Oh OK. So right there in the middle is what the Lord is teaching. Give us this day our daily bread. What God is teaching, teaching us through the manner and this passage is that we are to rely on him for all of our provision. He is our father. We are the children and the father provides for the children. The children don’t have to go out and provide for themselves. So is teaching the children of Israel how to trust and rely on the Lord only for their provision. And that’s why they gather enough for one day at a time. But if they hold on to it, in other words, they don’t trust the Lord for the next day. They’re saying, Oh, I don’t know if I’m going to get it tomorrow, so I better hold on to it now. The Lord turns it into a stinking pile of mess. And he’s training them, trust me. Only does that make sense? Yeah, it does. He’s training them using the same pattern that he did and creation six days and then rest on the seventh. Ok. Mm hmm. So does. Training them who he is. That he’s the god of our provision, does that have anything to do with the law? How they perform.

Penny: [00:27:11.04] Hmm. I don’t think so.

Beatty: [00:27:13.38] No. Yeah, so God is introducing who he is, who he is, is not the law. He’s teaching them how to know him personally, and one of those things is not only to trust him daily for the food they eat, but also for the Sabbath notice that Moses says tomorrow is to be a day of Sabbath rest a holy Sabbath to the Lord. So now it’s reiterated that this Sabbath is a holy Sabbath. By the way, this is the first time the word Sabbath has used. And do you know what Sabbath means? Do you know how it’s defined?

Penny: [00:27:59.71] I believe it’s a day of rest.

Beatty: [00:28:01.69] No, it’s to find a Sabbath. There is no definition sort of like manners. You know, what is it? So Sabbath has this derivation in Shabbat and God rested Shabbat on the seventh day, but it actually is a self a it’s a self-created word. It has no other definition, but it’s a holy Sabbath. We know the Sabbath as a day of rest because that’s what it’s referencing is a day of rest. We also know in the Jewish law the Sabbath has regulations. We’re going to see that in just a moment or talk about it. But with all of this, the Lord is teaching them this lesson about himself. And that lesson that he’s teaching them is a lesson to provision, and that provision is being taught by saying six days, you shall work. But on the seventh day, you shall not work. And here’s what’s interesting. He commands them not to work. On the seventh day, and he commends them not to work for one reason. Can you think what that reason is

Penny: [00:29:15.93] Because he wants them to rest?

Beatty: [00:29:17.67] Well, no. That’s a side benefit, but the reason they are not to work is because he ceased from his work on the seventh day. Hmm. We are to be like Christ, right? Mm hmm. His being like Christ to be like God, the father. Yes. And did God the father work six days and rest on the seventh? Yes. And that’s what he’s teaching them. That’s why he commands them not to work, because it’s who he is. It’s an inalienable attribute of God. This concept of a Sabbath rest, as we call it, the concept of working six days and resting on the seventh. The concept of the seventh day being holy and set apart to him and being blessed by him. Is an inalienable attribute of God. That’s that’s what we’re talking about, we’re not talking about, it’s a rule or regulation that, oh my gosh, I have to give up sports if I want to do this. It’s something totally different. Their work was collecting manna. Our work is whatever we do, that typically the idea of ceasing from work, the definition of work is the work that you do for provision. Ok. Turn also to Exodus. Thirty four to twenty one. I want to show you how important this is. So this is now as they move into the Promised Land. This is how they’re supposed to act on the Sabbath.

Penny: [00:30:59.32] Ok. Exodus thirty four. Twenty one. Six days, you shall labor, but on the seventh day, he shall rest. Even during the plowing season and harvest, you must rest.

Beatty: [00:31:11.95] Oh, look at that even during the plowing season. So plowing season is. A small period of time, as there is a small window of time where you can plant your seed so it’s in the soil at the right time to then produce a harvest. So during the in an agrarian society, which is what Israel was, the two most important times in their life is plowing time and harvest time because that’s their source of provision and that they miss those dates. Then their provision is lacking. So everything stops all the social gathering stop. You know, all of the let’s go take a trip somewhere stops. That is the most important time for their livelihood. And what God is saying is even during plowing time and harvest time. You. If you if you choose in your heart to rest, you can rest. Is that what it says or does it say that you must rest?

Penny: [00:32:14.66] It says you shall.

Beatty: [00:32:16.10] You shall rest. You must rest. This is the same message he taught them in the wilderness. Six days you could collect manna your daily provision and then on the seventh, you’re going to rest from collecting it. So he’s using this pattern, and it’s this pattern that I want you to see is holy. It’s not the day. Yes, it is the day. But it’s the pattern that we work six days and we rest the seventh because it is what God did. And whatever God does is holy, and he’s commanded us to be holy as he is. And part of holiness is obedience, and part of obedience is. Keeping the seventh day holy, let’s look at one other passage on this. Let’s move over to Exodus. We’re going to do this in ESV Exodus 30 one verse 16. Exodus thirty one, sixteen.

Penny: [00:33:18.08] Ok. All right, let’s see. Thirty one verse 16 says, therefore, the people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath observing the Sabbath throughout their generations as a covenant forever.

Beatty: [00:33:41.97] All right, so here we have again. The same command reiterated, I don’t know how many times has been reiterated throughout scripture, but it’s a lie. The question is why? Now, this is an exodus thirty one. The law is being given around the same time frame, so a lot of people say, well, this is all part of the Jewish law. But notice that it says that you shall keep the Sabbath. As a covenant. What is a covenant? How would you define covenant?

Penny: [00:34:19.71] And it’s an agreement that is. Extremely binding, but in the context of the Bible, it’s usually balanced, like it’s usually an agreement that is formed upon by the cutting of or the shedding of blood.

Beatty: [00:34:38.49] Ok, good. And if it’s an agreement, is it between two parties or among one party only between two? Ok, so a covenant is that solemn binding agreement between two parties.

Penny: [00:34:55.49] Mm hmm.

Beatty: [00:34:58.06] What is a law or regulation? How would you define that

Penny: [00:35:04.45] A rule set into place by one person to be enforced by many people

Beatty: [00:35:10.63] Are. So one person dictates a rule and imposes it on lots of people? Correct. Okay. So is the covenant the same thing as a law or regulation or different? No different. Different. Okay. So here it says that the Sabbath is a covenant. Does that mean it’s a law? No, no, it doesn’t. So one of the things that happens a lot of times is we say, well, oh, the Sabbath is part of the Jewish law. I don’t, you know, we’re no longer under law, but under grace. No, the Sabbath is part of the covenant. That’s a key point. Now the covenant is incorporated into the law. This kind of what we may have mentioned a little bit last time that, you know, if I have a contract with someone, I can put a little statement and included in this contract. You agree to continue to abide by this other contract that we also have is what’s called by reference. So the Jewish law includes the covenant, what with what I call by reference. But the covenant is a covenant is not a law that is integral in understanding why. Even though we’re no longer under law, but under grace, even though we’re not following the Jewish law for salvation, there’s still a covenant here.

Penny: [00:36:36.52] Mm hmm.

Beatty: [00:36:38.02] Let me let me ask you, there are two ways I think this is a good place to introduce this. There’s two ways where people wear the Sabbath is used, and if we were to go through scripture, we’d start to see this a little bit more. But one way it’s used is to define a holy day, and a holy day is that day of rest that God has said. This day is set apart in honor of how I worked. I want you to do it and I have blessed this day. So one time in some instances where it’s talking about a Sabbath is to that the word Sabbath has been defined as that holy day that God set apart. Other times we say the word Sabbath used. And it’s indicating the regulation date, the things that you do that’s regulated by the law on on the Sabbath, the Sabbath regulation, does that make sense?

Penny: [00:37:33.65] Yes.

Beatty: [00:37:35.21] When you look at this first X, there’s thirty one sixteen. Which way does it seem to be using this word as referencing a holy day or referencing a regulation day?

Penny: [00:37:50.53] Hmm. A holy day.

Beatty: [00:37:53.69] Yeah. Therefore, the people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath observing the Sabbath throughout their generations as a covenant forever. We know it’s a holy day because it’s a covenant, not a regulation. Therefore, it can’t be defined as a regulation date. Does that make sense?

Penny: [00:38:11.03] It does.

Beatty: [00:38:11.57] Yeah, OK. Notice also that it says that this is a covenant for how long?

Penny: [00:38:22.61] It says it’s forever,

Beatty: [00:38:24.74] Forever,

Penny: [00:38:25.69] How long? Yeah.

Beatty: [00:38:27.29] How long is forever, forever? Ok? Are we still in forever? Yes. Ok, so. So just kind of wrapping up. You know, this section on the Sabbath being holy, we find that God declares the seventh day is holy, right?

Penny: [00:38:46.16] Mm hmm.

Beatty: [00:38:47.54] He declares. Therefore, the Sabbath is holy because the Sabbath really is nothing but the name applied to the seventh day. It’s it’s basically what it is. And he declares it as holy because it’s the same pattern that he did, and he’s calling us to be like him. So if God declared something as holy, does it ever cease to be holy? No, no. So is it still holy today?

Penny: [00:39:21.20] Yes, absolutely.

Beatty: [00:39:23.21] And if it’s holy today, should we still treat it as holy today?

Penny: [00:39:27.59] Yes.

Beatty: [00:39:28.88] And is it? Is it our choice? In other words, if we go back to, you know, let each person do justice to his purpose in our heart? Kind of ask these same questions early. I’m just kind of re-emphasizing, is it our how we choose to treat it in our heart that determines whether it’s holy or is it holy, regardless of how we choose to treat it?

Penny: [00:39:51.56] Is wholly regardless. Yeah.

Beatty: [00:39:54.65] And then this is real interesting. If it is a covenant, which it is right,

Penny: [00:40:00.26] That’s what we just saw. Yeah.

Beatty: [00:40:02.66] Does that make it an obligation that God requires of us?

Penny: [00:40:10.31] Hmm.

Beatty: [00:40:13.81] Let me reference say, if this makes you gave your covenant vow to Bryan when you got married, right? Mm hmm. Are those vows an obligation that you must uphold?

Penny: [00:40:27.32] Yes.

Beatty: [00:40:29.74] If this is a covenant between God and his children, does it make it an obligation that God requires of us?

Penny: [00:40:39.47] Yes.

Beatty: [00:40:40.53] Are. And if it’s a if it’s a covenant obligation. Does that mean that it’s part of the Jewish law? Because it’s an obligation.

Penny: [00:40:55.44] Hmm. Yes and no. Okay. What do you think?

Beatty: [00:41:01.67] So so here’s the point here’s here’s the stronghold I’m breaking down, OK? The stronghold is well, since we’re required to do it, it has to be part of the law and we’re no longer under law. We’re under grace. We’re only to do those things that we purpose in our heart, just like giving and tithing is not part of the law because Paul says God loves a generous giver and give based on what you’re able to do. But yet what we’re misunderstanding is that a covenant has obligations that we’re required to do that have nothing to do with the law. Hmm. And just because it’s an obligation doesn’t mean it’s a law. It means it’s an obligation because of our commitment to the Lord. It’s an agreement between two parties. Does that make sense?

Penny: [00:41:52.73] It does, yeah.

Beatty: [00:41:54.71] So final set of questions, OK. If we don’t treat the Sabbath as holy, are we breaking our covenant with God?

Penny: [00:42:05.51] Yes.

Beatty: [00:42:06.36] Ooh, that’s pretty bad, isn’t it?

Penny: [00:42:08.36] Mm hmm.

Beatty: [00:42:10.07] If we break our covenant with God, how does that impact our relationship with God?

Penny: [00:42:17.48] Well, that hurts his heart.

Beatty: [00:42:20.96] Well, hurts his heart. How does that impact our relationship with him?

Penny: [00:42:24.38] It keeps us disconnected from him.

Beatty: [00:42:28.04] Yeah, it’s what we talked about earlier. That disobedience separates that relationship between us and him.

Penny: [00:42:35.12] Mm hmm. Right? Yeah.

Speaker3: [00:42:37.40] So just looking at the Sabbath as being holy, is there any question that we should treat it as holy today?

Penny: [00:42:46.13] No.

Speaker3: [00:42:47.48] Yeah. And I agree with you. And here’s the interesting part. This is the point I want to make. The Lord has declared the Sabbath to be holy. He has commanded us to honor his holy day. And anything that we do shy of honoring it as holy is disobedience in that sin. It’s not whether or not we think it’s OK to honor it or not. It’s not that we purpose in our heart to honor it or not. That makes it OK. What makes it OK is God has declared it to be holy, and we need to treat it as holy as well.

Beatty: [00:43:29.28] So now let’s look at another thing, and that is that the Sabbath is part of the Ten Commandments. This is interesting. This will go a little bit faster. Ok. Ok. So we’re going to do these in ESV. And let’s first turn to Deuteronomy four versus 12 or 14. Ok.

Penny: [00:43:50.49] All right. Deuteronomy for verses 12 and 13 says, then the Lord spoke to you out of the midst of the fire. You heard the sound of words, but you saw no form. There was only a voice. And he declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform.

Beatty: [00:44:08.82] Ok. Watch it! He declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform. That’s what we’re just talking about is a covenant obligation is not a law. Do you see that?

Penny: [00:44:20.52] Yes. Okay.

Beatty: [00:44:22.05] So continue from there.

Penny: [00:44:25.23] Let’s see. There was only a

Beatty: [00:44:27.24] Yes start with and he declared to you and

Penny: [00:44:29.19] He declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform. That is the Ten Commandments.

Beatty: [00:44:34.81] Ok, pause again. So now he’s saying that this covenant? Is the Ten Commandments, the Ten Commandments is simply now another name for the covenant or a specific name for the Covenant? Do you see this connection here? Mm hmm. So we’re commanded to do the covenant, and the Covenant is now given the name the Ten Commandments as just a working name here. So. So now continue from the Ten Commandments.

Penny: [00:45:04.96] And he wrote them on two tablets of stone. And the Lord commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and rules that you might do them in the land that you are going over to possess.

Beatty: [00:45:17.75] Okay, so here’s what’s real interesting. First off, is the Sabbath part of the Ten Commandments.

Penny: [00:45:29.14] No, yes, I’m sorry, yes,

Beatty: [00:45:31.39] Yes, it’s commandment number four, thou shall keep the Sabbath Day, holy right. Okay. So now we have that this covenant that is that includes the Sabbath is part of the Ten Commandments, and it says. That he’s commanded us to keep it. But look here, it also says, and at that time, OK at that time, meaning at the same time that the Lord gave us and declared to you his covenant, the Ten Commandments at the same time. He told me to teach you. And what does it say?

Penny: [00:46:09.15] The statutes and rules that

Beatty: [00:46:10.62] Are statutes and rules? Does that sound like a law? Mm hmm. Ok, so now we have these two things a covenant, a solemn binding agreement between two parties. And then we have statutes and rules. Which are rules that one party writes and imposes upon others. Do you see this? Mm hmm. What this is showing us is that the Ten Commandments. The Sabbath covenant is not part of the law. It’s given at the same time, but it’s separate. Ok. Mm hmm. Here’s also something else interesting it says at that time to teach you. Statutes and rules that you might do them. Claire.

Penny: [00:47:05.72] That you might do them in the land that you’re going over to possess.

Beatty: [00:47:09.14] Are there not to do the statutes and rules in the wilderness? They’re only for when they move into the Promised Land. And that interesting, yeah, the Jewish law or the rules once they got into the Promised Land, the covenant is now. But the statutes and rules you’re to do once you move into the land that you’re going over to possess. Mm hmm. Look also Matthew, five 17 through 19, this is another another little peg that people put in the stronghold that says. The Sabbath doesn’t apply today, and here’s why the Lord fulfilled it, Jesus came and fulfilled all the law in the prophets, right? That’s what this says. So let’s read this

Penny: [00:48:03.29] Matthew five, which verse

Beatty: [00:48:05.21] 17 through 19

Penny: [00:48:06.59] 19. Ok, do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them for truly, I say to you until heaven and Earth pass away. Not an iota. Not a dot will pass from the law until all is accomplished.

Beatty: [00:48:24.36] Therefore, OK, you can stop there. Ok, so now Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets, right? Mm hmm. Does the fulfillment indicate a completeness meaning that they’ve now been completed? No.

Penny: [00:48:45.33] Ok. And I said no and yes, yes, no,

Beatty: [00:48:49.92] No, and yes, OK. So do you fulfill a covenant or is a covenant only fulfilled once there’s a death between the parties, meaning it’s been fulfilled continuously up until that moment in time that one of the parties dies in the covenant is no longer valid?

Penny: [00:49:07.92] Yes, that’s correct.

Beatty: [00:49:09.16] Yeah. So in a covenant, it’s fulfilling continuously because their ongoing obligations what Jesus is talking about here, the law and the prophets. It is not the covenant. If he was talking about the covenant, he would have said, I came to fulfill the covenant, but that’s not what he says. He says I came to not abolish the law or the prophets, but to fulfill them. And so the law are those statutes and rules that point to him. Every single one of the laws of sacrifice point toward Christ, every if when you look at the statutes and rules the law, it all points, you know, those things that point to Christ, Jesus says, I came to fulfill them. Now we know that not everything’s been fulfilled because there’s still a second coming right? Mm hmm. Ok, so the things that Jesus is talking about I came to fulfill or those things that pointed to him in this first coming at the same thing with the prophet, he said, I came to fulfill the law, those statutes and rules that point him and the prophets, which are the prophecies that speak about him. That’s what Jesus came to fulfill. He did not come to fulfill and complete the covenant between God and men. It came to fulfill the law and the prophets that spoke of him as God, as Man the Messiah. Does that make sense?

Penny: [00:50:43.90] Yes, it does.

Beatty: [00:50:44.98] Okay, so we see that the Ten Commandments. The covenant is not part of the law. It’s separate. Let’s look at another thing. And we’re going to look at how long the Ten Commandments is to last. So let’s look back at Deuteronomy seven, verse nine.

Penny: [00:51:04.51] Ok. Deuteronomy seven, verse nine reads No, therefore, that the Lord, your god is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.

Beatty: [00:51:19.90] Ok, so notice here it says that God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments. Covenant is equated with his commandments, do you see that? Mm hmm. Okay. If we keep his commandments, he’s saying that we’ve kept his covenant. Essentially, that’s is what this is saying. So then it says that he therefore keeps that covenant with us as we keep it with him. To. A thousand generations, how many years is a generation?

Penny: [00:52:03.35] Um, oh.

Beatty: [00:52:06.70] First of all, let’s define a generation, OK? My generation is me and my wife, and the next generation is who your kids are. Ok, so a generation is between the time between the parents and the children, right?

Penny: [00:52:23.16] Correct. I thought you were asking for a number and I was like, I don’t think I can put a number on that because it’s different for different for every generation.

Beatty: [00:52:31.62] Yeah. Well, OK, it is different. But there are some commonalities like to in today’s world. The average timeline for a generation is about somewhere between probably 23 and 25 years. Mm hmm. Ok. Some people get married at 20, some people get married at 28. They start having kids. Generation’s going to be probably in that 25 year range and the days of the Old Testament. How long do you think the average generation was?

Penny: [00:53:02.04] Hmm. Much longer,

Beatty: [00:53:04.77] Longer or shorter. They get married older, get married younger,

Penny: [00:53:09.96] They got married younger, but they live longer.

Beatty: [00:53:12.09] Yeah. Ok, so

Penny: [00:53:13.62] Back then I think the generation I think of the entire time that someone’s alive, not the time before they get married.

Beatty: [00:53:19.80] Oh, and

Speaker3: [00:53:20.25] That makes sense. What I’m talking about with generations is if you have a couple who have children at age 25, then that generation is 25 years is the number of years between the time the parents have a child and the child is born. And then if that child has children at 25 years old, then what you have is generations at 25 year intervals. Does that make sense?

Penny: [00:53:45.09] Yes.

Beatty: [00:53:46.14] Okay. So back in those days, it’s it’s common for a young girl to get married at age 12 or 13. Right? You know, by the time they’re in their late teens, they’re probably considered an old mate, almost. I was reading one kings in second chronicles. His son was took over kingship at 22, and that king had, I think it was five children. This was the youngest of all five, and his dad was 18 years old when he was born. So think about that. He’s the youngest when the guy when the father was 18. So you see people starting much earlier back then. So let’s assume for a moment that at the time of this writing that says that God keeps his covenant with us as we keep our covenant with him, that he keeps it to a thousand generations if a generation is 15 years. Then how many years is a thousand generations?

Penny: [00:54:53.34] Hmm. Fifteen thousand.

Beatty: [00:54:55.55] Hmm. And. Has it been more than 15000 years since he made the covenant with Israel? No, no. It’s only been about 3500 years. So if we look at the covenant based on what it is, it’s not part of the law. It’s separate, OK? Mm hmm. And. God says it’s for a thousand generations. And we’re only one fifth of the way to a thousand generations. Does that seem to indicate that it’s still an active covenant for us today?

Penny: [00:55:35.72] Yes. Yeah.

Beatty: [00:55:37.01] Yeah, it does. So here’s another interesting observation to God uses the terms. You’ll see this in the ESV, which is a more direct translation. It’s always using commandment and statutes and rules. And it uses them separately, but altogether in the same passage. He does this 20 times in the Old Testament. In other words, he’s defining that a commandment is different from a statute and a statute is different from a rule. So we have a tendency to lump it all and say, Well, that’s the law. No, they’re actually separate things. The commandment, which is the covenant, the statutes and the rules, and they’re all different statutes are going to be more the legal structure of society. If someone kills someone, they should be put to death. If someone pokes out the eye of someone else, you poke out that person’s eye. Those are going to be statutes. Then you have rules and rules would be like how you tithe or how the priest conducts a sacrifice. So these are different elements in structuring God’s children and how they live and operate. But the commandment is the covenant, and it’s separate. And if you look real quickly, I show you just one instance of this. Go to Deuteronomy. Ok, now I just want to show you how this comes out. So as you start reading through the Old Testament, you’re going to start seeing this more and you go, are all of these are separate? I keep thinking of them as one.

Penny: [00:57:13.31] So the whole chapter Chapter seven

Beatty: [00:57:15.62] Seven, verse 11,

Penny: [00:57:17.09] Ok, seven, verse 11 says you shall therefore be careful to do the commandment and the statutes and the rules that I command you today.

Beatty: [00:57:26.66] See, God separates all three of those out individually because each of them are different. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. Okay. So then the last thing I want to really show is I want to show you one more thing. This is where we see God’s Covenant, the Ten Commandments in conjunction with Christ. This is really cool. Turned to Psalm. 111, verse nine.

Penny: [00:57:54.50] Ok. Some 111 verse nine reads he sent redemption to his people. He has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name.

Beatty: [00:58:12.86] Wow, he sent redemption to his people. What do you think that’s referring to?

Penny: [00:58:19.67] Christ, yeah.

Beatty: [00:58:21.38] So here it says he sends Christ to his people, the messiah to his people, to redeem them. And in the very same sentence, it says he has commanded his covenant forever.

Penny: [00:58:36.70] Ok. Mm hmm.

Beatty: [00:58:39.40] Do you think that’s the same old covenant we’ve been talking about that is called the Ten Commandments?

Penny: [00:58:48.16] Yeah.

Beatty: [00:58:49.00] Yeah, it is. So in the same passage, it says he sends the messiah to us and he has commanded. That means he has commanded us. His covenant forever. So. The way I read this, very simply, is. When we look at the bigger picture of scripture and look at the Sabbath and context, we can’t go back to what we discussed last session and say, Well, it’s just a matter how we purpose in our heart. Or we can’t say, well, it’s obsolete. Because all of these are indicating that it’s permanent.

Penny: [00:59:36.64] Mm hmm.

Beatty: [00:59:37.54] It’s a covenant. And it’s wholly. Are you following this, this process, what we’re seeing in the scripture? I am, yes. Ok. And this is why. And by the way, next session we’re going to talk about the wedding bell, how it is our wedding. So, you know, one, some people could be saying, well, that’s just a wedding vow between God and Israel. That’s what the old covenant is. But now we’re under a new covenant, and that one is obsolete because that’s what Hebrew says. Well, yes and no. The misunderstanding is the bigger picture of our covenant with Christ and what is that covenant? What we’re going to find next time is we talked about this last time. I think just briefly that the covenant is God’s testimony. That’s where you have the Ark of the Covenant, the ark of the testimony. Do you remember that?

Penny: [01:00:31.18] I do. Yeah, okay.

Beatty: [01:00:33.49] And God’s testimony is his word. Does his word ever change? No, no. So if it was his word, then and it was a wedding vow. And now we have a wedding. Bauer Covenant with Christ, our groom. You think God’s word is the same today as it was yesterday? Yes. Yeah. And we’re going to say this in scripture, where the same covenant that God made with Israel, even though it’s the quote unquote old covenant is the same covenant that Christ makes with us. It’s the same testimony of God, the same things that were to do that we have an obligation to do and we can’t say it doesn’t fit my life, and therefore I’m going to read these other passages that we talked about last session and say, Well, it’s no longer an obligation today. We’re no longer under law. It’s not an obligation, I would say. It’s a very strong obligation because it’s a covenant with God. It is holy. When you honor the Lord, he will honor you. When you treat his day as blessed, you become part of that blessing. Ok. It’s just really, really cool. So I encourage our listeners if you been taking Sunday as a workday and just treating it as a common day instead of a holy day. Change your ways. You will find amazing things start to happen in your life. And we’re going to see this even more on their next session. So I think that’s about all the time we have right now.

Penny: [01:02:13.08] Yeah, that’s good. Beatty thank you so much. I completely agree. I think when you bless the Lord, he blesses you. So, baby, thank you so much for today. I know that our listeners are, as always, just so thankful for the time and effort you put into this study and teach you teaching us more about what God’s word says. And I look forward to our next one. And to all of you listening. If you have not subscribed, please subscribe and share with your friends or other colleagues that you feel would benefit from these teachings and Beatty. Again, thank you and we will be talking again very soon.

Beatty: [01:02:47.37] Very good, y’all. Have a blessed day.

